Parental involvement is the extent to which parents are involved in their child’s education. A parent can be involved at school by volunteering, attending events and activities, or helping out with homework. Schools can help parents become more involved in their children’s education by providing opportunities for them to volunteer at school and make an impact on their children’s learning experience.為什麼父母對學生的成功很重要?
The type of support a student needs from their family will depend on their age, stage in education and individual situation. Parents can provide financial support by paying for school fees as well as helping with rent or mortgage payments. Parents also play an important role in supporting their child emotionally by listening to them when they are upset about something at school or simply being there for them when they need someone to talk to. There are different types of parental involvement:- 正面-這包括參加家長會並與老師討論您希望孩子的教育經驗是什麼樣的;
- 被動-這意味著為您的孩子提供購買書籍或校服等機會,以便他/她在休息後沒有任何藉口不回去;
- 間接-這涉及在家中創造一個積極的學習環境,讓孩子們能夠輕鬆地討論他們的成就(或缺乏)、願望等
As students head back to school, it’s important to remember that parents play an essential role in their children’s success. Schools should take steps to help parents become more involved in their child’s education and academic life. For example:- 學校應該有一位家長聯絡員,可以隨時透過電話或電子郵件聯繫。此人的角色因地區而異,但他們應該在整個學年中為家庭和教師提供資源。
- 應邀請(並歡迎)家長參加集會和開放日等學校活動;這些活動讓您有機會結識其他定期與您的孩子一起工作的家長和工作人員以及您的孩子本人!
- 每個學期都應該定期邀請家長來到教室,這樣他們就知道孩子每天在教室裡的學習經歷發生了什麼,以及當家庭作業在困難時期回家時,他們可以如何進一步做出貢獻。