




If you’re like me, you want your students to succeed. You want them to reach their full potential and achieve things they never thought possible. You want them to be happy and healthy in a world that’s constantly telling us we need more money or more fame or more stuff. As teachers and parents, we can help our kids by setting goals for them–and then helping them achieve those goals! Goals help students set direction and focus their efforts on specific outcomes instead of aimlessly drifting through life without any idea where they’re going or what they want from life (which seems like such an easy trap for young people). Goals can also be motivating because once we have something concrete in mind, it becomes easier for us to take action toward reaching that goal than if we don’t have anything specific in mind at all




Motivation is an important part of achieving goals. When students are motivated to do something, they tend to do it better and more often. For example, if you have a goal of getting good grades in school, motivation could make all the difference between finishing that term paper on time or procrastinating until the last minute and then having to spend hours working on it at 2 in the morning before class starts! Motivating goals can take many forms:
  • 獎勵或懲罰(例如,「如果我這週的數學考試得了 A,我這個週末就會和朋友出去玩。」)。
  • 個人價值觀(例如,「我希望我周圍的每個人都為我感到驕傲」)。
  • 長期獎勵(例如,「當我超過 50 歲並從 Google 或 Apple 等大公司的會計師職位退休時…」)。


Setting goals helps students acknowledge strengths and weaknesses, both their own and those of others. Students should set goals for themselves, as well as for others to achieve. This way, students can measure how well they are doing at achieving the goal and how close they are to completing it. This will allow them to adjust their efforts accordingly so that they do not waste time on tasks that don’t lead anywhere or do not help them reach their ultimate destination in life.


您也可以使用 SMART 方法為自己和他人設定要實現的目標。當您希望學生為彼此設定目標時(例如在小組專案或作業中,他們需要與同學合作完成某些事情),這尤其有用。
  • 具體:應該明確目標到底是什麼,以便每個人都知道他們正在努力實現的目標,並且能夠輕鬆理解(並且不會感到困惑)。它還應該足夠具體,不會隨著時間的推移而改變——如果可能的話,嘗試準確寫下目標實現後會發生什麼(例如,如果我在這個日期之前做了X 件事),這樣犯錯的空間就更少了!
  • 可衡量的:根據實現目標所取得的進展程度,您可以了解您的目標是否成功;因此,重要的是要有明確的指標來衡量成功與失敗(這可能包括為達到最終結果採取了多少步驟)。例如:「我希望我的兒子/女兒/學生/朋友小鮑比·蘇·瓊斯(Bobbie Sue Jones Jr./Jr.) 今天上午13:11 正好東部標準時區(EST) 01 歲,目前住在123 Main Street Apt B4C 列剋星敦肯塔基州 40507 美國,但計劃在兩年內搬到另一個州,並於公元 2020 年左右向西進入加利福尼亞州。






