- 你應該知道自己喜歡並且擅長哪種寫作。
- 你也應該知道你不擅長但想擅長哪種寫作。
- 您可以利用這些知識來幫助您提升那些需要工作的領域的技能。
As you read, take note of the structure of your favorite books. You may find that some authors have a tendency to use certain types of paragraphs or sentences, or even specific words and phrases. If you notice that one author does something in a certain way that another author doesn’t, try putting it into action yourself! Another way to learn from others is by examining the structure of books that don’t work as well for you. If there’s an aspect of writing that doesn’t appeal to you as much as others–say, perhaps because it feels too formal–then this can be helpful information when trying to improve your own style.問問自己為什麼喜歡(或不喜歡)一篇文章。
When you read a piece of writing, ask yourself why you like (or dislike) it. This is an important question to ask because it helps you understand what makes a piece of writing good or bad. If you don’t know how to answer this question, here are some ways that can help:- 想想作者論點的品質。他提供什麼證據來支持他的主張?他所使用的事實是否來自可靠來源?根據我們對主題的了解,他的推理是否有意義?他的邏輯中是否存在任何漏洞或論證中存在漏洞?
- 考慮作品中是否公平地代表了所有方面。例如,如果有人反對全球暖化是由人類引起的(保守派的普遍信念),那麼嘗試找到另一篇支持該理論的人寫的文章 - 甚至更好!找出他們不同意的地方,以便雙方在一份文件中得到公平和平等的代表!