


I’m an auditory learner, which means that I learn best by listening. When I was in school, however, I didn’t realize that this was a learning style—I just knew that everyone else seemed to understand what my teachers were saying and I didn’t. It wasn’t until later on in life that someone pointed out to me that a lot of other people have problems understanding what’s being said during class. Nowadays there are lots of ways for auditory learners like me to succeed in school if we use the right study techniques:

Listening to the material more than once.

When you listen to material more than once, it helps you understand it better and remember it better. Listening again allows you to pick up on details that were previously missed or forgotten. When we listen to something in an active way rather than passively, we are able to engage our minds in understanding what’s being presented–whether verbally or visually–and this allows us to retain more information over time.

Writing out what you hear.

This is a great way to reinforce learning and jot down any questions you have about the material. The idea is simple: listen closely, then write down the main idea in your own words, followed by details about what was said and anything else that stood out for you. You can also use this strategy when watching videos or reading text online. When writing out what you hear, make sure to include things like:
  • The main point of the lecture or presentation
  • Details about what was said (e.g., facts, figures)
  • Questions that arise from what was said This will help reinforce your understanding of whatever information is being conveyed!

Studying with friends and colleagues.

Studying with friends and colleagues is a great way to learn the material better because you can bounce ideas off of each other. It’s also a more relaxed environment than studying alone, which can help you focus on learning instead of feeling stressed out. Plus, it’s fun! You might want to consider studying in groups that are comprised of people who have different strengths and weaknesses so that everyone learns from each other’s strengths while improving their own weaknesses.

Taking practice tests, quizzes, and exams under realistic conditions.

Taking practice tests, quizzes and exams under realistic conditions is one of the most effective study techniques for auditory learners. If you are taking an online test, make sure that you have a computer with good internet connection and that there is no background noise from other people in the room. If you are taking an exam in person, make sure it’s quiet enough so that all your focus can go on listening to the questions being asked by your teacher or TA.

Using study aids like DVDs, CDs, or MP3 files.

  • Using study aids like DVDs, CDs, or MP3 files.
  • Listening to a language you are learning while driving in the car or on public transportation.
  • Listening to a foreign language CD while doing housework or yard work (like gardening).

Reading about the subject matter, if possible.

Reading about the subject matter, if possible. Reading about the subject matter, if possible. Reading about the subject matter, if possible. Reading about the subject matter, if possible. Reading about the subject matter, if possible. Reading about the subject matter and listening to it in combination with reading out loud yourself is also effective for auditory learners because you’re hearing your own voice as well as other people’s voices speaking directly to you (when they read aloud).

Auditory learners can be successful in school if they use the right study techniques.

  • Listen to the material more than once.
  • Write out what you hear.
  • Study with friends and colleagues.
  • Take practice tests, quizzes, and exams under realistic conditions (e.g., time limits). This will help build your confidence for the real thing! If possible, use study aids like DVDs or CDs that allow you to listen as many times as necessary at home or in the car while commuting to school/work/etc., but don’t forget about flash cards either! They’re portable too so they’re easy-to-use anywhere at any time when inspiration strikes — which will happen often because auditory learners learn best through repetition rather than by reading something once then moving on without really understanding anything fully until later when they return again later still…


If you are an auditory learner, you can use these study techniques to help you succeed in school. By listening to the material more than once, writing out what you hear, studying with friends and colleagues, taking practice tests under realistic conditions, using study aids like DVDs or CDs–and even reading about the subject matter if possible–you’ll be able to learn more effectively.


