


1. 設定切合實際的目標

  • 為自己設定目標,而不是為別人設定目標。不要試圖滿足別人的期望或達到他們的標準——當你沒有達到他們對你的期望時,你只會感到沮喪,就像一個失敗者。相反,專注於實現對您來說重要的事情,並在您自己的能力和限制(以及您周圍的人的能力和限制)內進行工作。
  • 具體說明您想要完成的任務:「我希望我的名片設計專案在周五之前完成」與「我希望我的名片設計專案在周五之前完成」。前者給出了何時需要做某事的明確指示,同時也有助於避免對到底需要做什麼的任何誤解;後者留下了太多的解釋空間,如果沒有給出具體的截止日期,可能會導致某人認為他們需要比實際需要更多的時間!此外,避免設定諸如「今年賺更多錢」之類模糊的目標,因為那樣的話,人們怎麼知道自己是否成功?相反,可以說「到 5000 月 31 日,收入比去年多 XNUMX 美元」。

2. 將你的目標保密

The second thing to do is to keep your goals private. When you share your goals with others, you can become distracted by what they think of them or what they might say about them. You may also feel pressure from friends and family members who don’t understand why it’s important for you to achieve those goals in the first place. It’s okay if people don’t understand your motivations or interests; after all, not everyone is going to get what makes us tick! But when we open ourselves up for criticism from other people, we often end up feeling discouraged about our dreams–and this discouragement can be enough of a deterrent on its own when trying to achieve something big (like losing weight).

3. 讓你的目標具有可操作性和可衡量性

It’s important to make sure your goals are actionable and measurable. For example, “I want to be healthier” is not a good goal because it does not tell you exactly what you need to do in order for the goal to be achieved. A better way of saying this would be “I will eat five servings of vegetables per day.” This makes it clear what needs to happen and when it will happen (each day). Similarly, if your goal involves losing weight, don’t just say “lose ten pounds.” Instead say, “I will lose one pound per week by eating less than 2200 calories each day and exercising for 30 minutes every morning before work.”

4. 獎勵自己一路上實現的小目標

Rewarding yourself is a great way to keep you motivated, but it’s important that the reward be something you want and not simply something someone else wants for you. For example, let’s say your goal is to lose 20 pounds in six months. You might make it a point to treat yourself with new clothes every time you hit 5% of the total weight loss (or 10 pounds) by going shopping with friends or family members who are also trying to lose weight. Or maybe even just splurge on some new sneakers if all else fails! Whatever form this takes for each person depends on their personal preferences–and don’t forget: rewards don’t have to cost money; they can be as simple as taking time off from work so that they can spend more quality time with loved ones during special occasions like holidays or birthdays!

5. 問問自己這個目標對你來說是否值得

Ask yourself if the goal is worth it to you. If your answer is no, then why bother? If you don’t really want to achieve the goal and aren’t sure why you have set it in the first place, then perhaps there are other things in life that are more important than this particular venture.


  • 目標很重要,因為它們可以幫助您定義自己想要什麼,從而幫助您專注於最重要的事情。
  • 設定目標可以讓您為自己的夢想和抱負採取行動,而不僅僅是思考或與他人談論它們。
  • 目標給了我們一些具體的東西,我們可以在生活中的每一天為此努力——這讓生活變得更有意義,因為它給了我們目標!


我們希望這五個技巧能夠幫助您設定並實現人生目標。請記住,成功的關鍵不僅是設定目標,還要確保目標對您而言是現實且可實現的。你可以透過問自己這樣的問題來做到這一點:“這是我真正想要的嗎?” “我真的能實現嗎?”或“這對我來說有多重要?”如果您對以上三個問題的答案都是肯定的,那麼恭喜您!應該寫下你的目標,這樣就不會忘記它,並確保在此過程中的任何時候出現意外情況(例如緊急情況),然後返回到第一步,一切重新開始,重新評估什麼需要更改或添加到原來的計劃中


