

在學習方面,如果您想充分利用學習課程,就需要集中註意力,這是無法迴避的事實。那麼,為什麼很多人在學習時難以集中註意力呢?答案很簡單:幹擾!當你的大腦受到各種刺激的轟炸時,你的大腦就會變得超負荷——從作業截止日期和每分鐘在你的手機上彈出的電子郵件,到 Facebook 通知和 Snapchat 的連動。難怪這麼多人很難找到時間(甚至不願意)坐下來專注於他們的課程。但好消息是:有一些簡單的方法可以讓您在學習過程中保持專注,而不會在過程中失去太多睡眠!


  • 營造一個安靜、舒適的學習空間。您需要確保您的學習區域光線充足、乾淨且井井有條。手邊擁有所需的一切也將幫助您專注於學習,而不是四處尋找用品。
  • 找個安靜的地方坐下來,不受干擾——最好是一個人!如果周圍有其他人可能想在你集中精力學習時交談或提出問題,請嘗試禮貌地詢問他們是否介意暫時給你一些隱私(或提前告訴他們,這個時間是留作學習)。如果在我做作業時有人走進房間,我只是禮貌地問他們是否介意等我們完成作業後再談論其他事情;大多數人似乎都同意這個要求,因為大多數人也不希望他們的談話被打斷!


The most important thing to do when you’re trying to study is set aside a specific time and place. You should always have your work space ready, whether that’s in the library or at home, so that when it’s time for studying, everything is ready for you. If possible, don’t study on the couch or bed–these places are usually full of distractions like TV and pets (or people). It’s best if this dedicated space is free from these types of distractions as well as other things like phones or computers.


The best way to stay focused is by making a plan for the day and following it. You can do this by writing down a list of tasks that need to be completed, or scheduling them in your calendar. It’s also helpful to set time limits on each task so that you don’t get overwhelmed by the amount of work ahead of you. If necessary, break up larger projects into smaller chunks so they’re easier to manage over time. If there are any distractions during study sessions–like friends inviting themselves over or family members calling unexpectedly–make sure that these things don’t interfere with your schedule! If necessary, say no when people ask if they can stop by (this may sound rude but trust me: nobody will mind). Or just explain why right away: “I’m studying right now so I can’t hang out later.” Procrastination is another huge problem when trying not only focus but also maintain motivation throughout an entire class period/session/etcetera…


  • 早點睡覺,睡個好覺,早點起床,在上學前享受一段美好的時光,開始新的一天。
  • 睡前避免在手機或其他設備上花費太多時間,因為這會幹擾身體的自然晝夜節律,導致您難以入睡並整夜保持睡眠狀態。


  • 蛋白質是一種關鍵營養素,可以幫助您保持警覺、專注和精力充沛。
  • 如果您感到飢餓,堅果或花生醬等富含蛋白質的零食是不錯的選擇,因為它們蛋白質含量高,但熱量和脂肪含量低。
  • 蛋白質還有助於控制血糖水平——這是在學習期間(以及全天)保持注意力的關鍵部分。


Label homework assignments and keep them in one location (like a binder) so you can easily find them when it comes time to study. If you have a lot of papers that need to be organized, start by sorting them into categories:
  • Keep-I-Need(重要的東西,例如登記表或公車通行證)。
  • Toss-It(幾個月前發生的事件的舊收據或傳單)。


The first step to staying focused during study sessions is to set aside time for them. You need to make sure that you have enough time available for your studies, and that you’re not rushing through the process. Next, create a space where you can do your work undisturbed by outside distractions and interruptions. When possible, try to avoid working in places where there are lots of other people around–even if they seem like they’re minding their own business! If this isn’t possible or practical for whatever reason (e.g., if it’s noisy at home), consider wearing earphones or headphones so that sound doesn’t bother you as much when it does come through from outside sources. Finally, make sure that before starting any kind of assignment or project related specifically towards classwork such as writing papers or studying material relevant specifically towards upcoming exams such as quizzes/tests etc., make sure that firstly:
  • 您已經了解總共需要多少時間; 2)所有必要的材料,如課本/筆記本/鉛筆等,都在附近隨時可用,不會丟失任何東西(也)。


  • 設置一個計時器。
  • 健康飲食並獲得充足的睡眠。
  • 制定目標,然後規劃如何實現這些目標!
  • 不要等到最後一刻才學習(這樣的效果永遠不會那麼好)。




