- 不要等到最後一刻。離考試越近,就越難集中註意力並專注於正在學習的內容。嘗試在考試日期前至少一周開始準備,以便您可以盡可能有效地利用這段時間。
- 不要塞滿。只有當所有需要學習的材料都適合一晚或一天的學習時,臨時抱佛腳才有效——即使這樣,它也可能不起作用!不要死記硬背並希望得到最好的結果,而是嘗試將你的準備過程分成幾天或幾週,這樣每次訓練都不會比嘗試通宵達旦那樣令人難以承受(這也會增加壓力水平)。例如:如果有三章的資訊專門與理解記憶在我們大腦中的運作方式相關,並且這些章節分佈在五本不同的教科書中,那麼嘗試將這五本教科書分成五個單獨的學習課程,每個課程只專注於當時間允許時,先讀一章,然後再轉到另一章。
One of the most common mistakes students make is trying to cram all the information into their brains before an exam. This can lead to stress and anxiety, which can make it harder for you to remember what you learned. If you’re going through this process, stop! There’s no need for it–you’re better off spreading out your studying over time so that each section gets its own dedicated chunk of time and attention. You’ll have more energy and focus when preparing this way, plus there will be less pressure on each individual section because they aren’t being crammed into one week or even one day before an exam (which could result in forgetting half of what was crammed).一定要睡個好覺。
The importance of sleep Getting a good night’s sleep is essential to effective exam preparation. When you are well-rested, your brain is more alert and able to focus on the task at hand. If you don’t get enough sleep, however, it can be difficult for your memory to function properly during an exam–you will find yourself more easily distracted and unable to recall key facts from earlier sections when they come up again later in the test. Your body needs time off from thinking about schoolwork every day so that it can process everything that has happened recently without interruption (this is why breaks between classes are important too!).喝大量的水並吃健康的早餐。
Drinking water before an exam is important. Water helps you stay hydrated and sharp, which can help with your memory and concentration. It also helps with digestion, metabolism, and feeling full. If you’re not drinking enough water throughout the day then it may be difficult to focus during a test because of hunger pangs or headaches caused by dehydration (or both!). To avoid this situation: drink at least one glass of water every hour while studying; have some fruit juice if that’s what works best for you; eat breakfast even if it’s just toast with peanut butter or an egg sandwich on whole wheat bread; keep healthy snacks like nuts around so they’re available when hunger strikes during study sessions; try not to use caffeine as a substitute for food since caffeine stimulates the central nervous system but does not provide energy like real nourishment does消除不必要的干擾,專注於手邊的任務。
- 在考試前一周或一個月計劃好你的學業時間表,這樣你就不會感到落後或不知所措。
- 考試前不要死記硬背。
- 不要用酒精來幫助你學習。它更有可能讓你的大腦更難記住訊息,而不是幫助你學習新事物,而且還有許多其他更健康、更安全的方法可以在考試期間提高你的能量水平!
- 不要使用藥物(包括咖啡因)來增強腦力——從長遠來看,它們可能會對記憶力和注意力產生負面影響!
- 確保你有足夠的睡眠。睡眠對於記憶至關重要,因此請確保每晚至少休息八小時。
- 吃一頓健康的早餐。營養豐富的早餐將有助於您全天保持高能量水平並提高注意力,這將使您更輕鬆地學習或做作業,而不會因飢餓而分心。
- 全天喝大量的水,避免喝咖啡或茶等含咖啡因的飲料!咖啡因會導致脫水並擾亂睡眠模式,因此最好不要在學習時攝取咖啡因,除非你的老師另有說明(即使如此,也要三思而後行)。
- 準備考試時避免社交媒體和電視等乾擾:您的注意力應該完全放在為成功做好心理準備上,而不是浪費時間瀏覽 Instagram 上的帖子或觀看 Netflix,因為這裡有更重要的事情!