


長期以來,家長的參與與學生的成功息息相關。早在 1970 年代和 1980 年代,研究人員就發現父母的參與可以對學生的學業成績、動機、參與度和出勤率發揮作用。最近,研究表明,父母的參與對於低收入兒童和有色人種學生尤其重要,他們比來自中產階級家庭的同齡人更有可能面臨貧困或種族主義等障礙(Klein 等,2008) 。然而,對於父母參與究竟如何影響學生的成功,研究人員之間仍然存在分歧,尤其是在家庭收入水平和種族/民族等因素方面(Jones & Paulsen,2016)。本文將透過回顧最近關於哪些類型的父母參與對學生的成功最重要的研究來探討其中的一些問題;確定父母可以使用的一些具體策略;討論貧窮如何影響這些關係;並考慮如何改善旨在提高家長參與度的計劃,以便他們惠及更多最需要的孩子!


It’s a fact that parents are the first educators of their children. They are critical to student success, and have an important role in encouraging their children’s learning at home. Parents can help students with homework, set an example by reading books or newspapers themselves, provide support when they need it, and encourage them to stay involved in extracurricular activities such as sports or music lessons–all of which are linked to higher academic achievement later on. Students who have involved parents are more likely to be successful in school than those whose families aren’t supportive of education efforts like these


Parental involvement is associated with student success. A study conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) revealed that when parents are actively engaged in their child’s education, students experience higher academic achievement, improved behavior and greater engagement in school activities.


  • 與孩子談論學校和家庭作業,並鼓勵他們盡力而為
  • 在學校活動中提供幫助或在教室或操場上做志願者
  • 一起閱讀並討論所讀的內容
與父母參與較少的父母相比,更多參與孩子教育的父母往往會有更高的成績、考試成績和畢業率。研究也表明,父母參與程度越高的學生更有可能進入大學(Marzano & Pickering,2009;Marzano & Pickering,2010)。


Parents are the first teachers and role models for their children. They play an important part in helping students succeed in school. Parents can help their children with homework, check their grades online or at school, talk about the importance of education and encourage them to do their best. When parents are involved in the lives of their children, they feel more connected and supported by them as well as by other adults who care about them (like teachers). This can lead to better grades because students feel more comfortable sharing concerns with adults who care about them than if they were left alone without any adult support.




