


You may have heard that public speaking is a great way to improve your communication skills and become more confident in front of others. If this sounds like something you want to do, it’s important to know that there is no such thing as a “natural” or “born” speaker. In other words, anyone can improve their public speaking abilities through practice and preparation. In addition, some people feel more comfortable giving speeches than others. For example: maybe you tend to get nervous when presenting in front of groups? That’s okay! There are many simple things you can do before each class presentation or speech event (e.g., check out your competition before going up on stage) that will help with anxiety while also improving your public speaking skills over time!


A mentor can be a great resource for improving your public speaking skills. A mentor is someone who has more experience than you in the area that you want to improve, and they can help give you tips and advice on how to do so. A mentor might be able to help you prepare for your speech by telling them what it’s about, then helping them understand why this topic is interesting or important enough that people should listen to what you have say about it. Your mentor may also be able to give feedback after hearing your speech so that next time around when preparing for another presentation, there will be fewer mistakes made during practice sessions before actually giving it live at some point during an event like this one here today!”


  • 查看比賽。
  • Review other students’ speeches.
  • Look at the speeches of professional speakers, politicians and even your teachers (they’ve been practicing their delivery for years).
  • Listen to your parents as they tell stories about growing up, or watch them in action during family gatherings and parties. They are probably very good public speakers!
If possible, listen to friends giving speeches or telling jokes too; once again this can help you understand how people deliver a story so that you can emulate them when it’s your turn on stage!


Practice, practice, practice. Practice in front of a mirror until you feel comfortable with your body language and tone of voice. Practice in front of a camera so that you can see what works for you and what doesn’t. For example, if you have a habit of leaning too far forward when speaking, this will be easier to spot on video than in person or on film alone. Practice with friends and family members who will give honest feedback about how well (or poorly) your speech went over with them — especially if they’re not used to listening carefully enough for these types of details! They may also know other people who would be willing to give constructive criticism as well – like co-workers or classmates at school/college/university who are also interested in public speaking skills development , but perhaps don’t know much about how they could improve themselves yet either…

Start with speech basics.

When you’re speaking in public, there are a lot of things that can go wrong. You might trip over your words or get tongue-tied. You might forget what comes next in your speech. But if you start with the basics, it’s much easier for your audience to follow along and understand what you’re saying. Here are some things to keep in mind when preparing for an upcoming presentation:
  • Know who will be listening: Your audience can include classmates, coworkers or strangers at an event–anyone who has an interest in what you have to say! Make sure that your message will resonate with them by researching their backgrounds beforehand (e.g., if they’re college students studying engineering). The more information about each person’s background and goals going into the talk will help ensure its effectiveness later on down the road when trying out new ideas or concepts based off feedback received during previous presentations.* Know what topic(s) need addressing: Whether this means examining current trends within today’s society (i.,e., environmental issues), providing insight into past events using historical documents available online such as diaries written by soldiers during World War II), analyzing current issues facing different parts of society today such as gender roles within relationships between men/women etc…

Think about your audience(s).

  • Think about your audience(s).
  • 他們是誰?
  • What do they know about the topic?
  • How old are they? * What interests do they have in common with you and/or your topic, if any? * How long can you expect them to pay attention for a given presentation or speech, and how much information is appropriate for them at once. If it’s an academic presentation, what might be expected by professors who will be grading it later on? Is there anything else going on in their lives that may affect how well they listen or pay attention: Are they tired from working late last night; did something exciting happen earlier today (and thus might cause distraction); was there a fight between two friends just before class started…etc.?

Prepare an outline or script for your talk.

Preparing an outline or script for your talk is an effective way of staying on track. It also helps you remember what to say and helps keep you organized and focused. Finally, having this written plan in front of you helps prepare for potential questions from the audience.

Write down anything that comes to mind while preparing your talk and use it in your speech!

When you’re preparing your speech, write down anything that comes to mind. You may not use all of the notes or even most of them, but they can be helpful in jogging your memory as you prepare. You should never read from your notes! If you find yourself reading off of them, stop immediately and go back to practicing without them. This will help improve both how much information you remember and how well you speak with confidence during the speech itself!

If you want to improve your public speaking skills, take some time to prepare yourself before each class presentation and make sure you practice thoroughly before delivering the talk in front of students or parents at home.

  • 在鏡子前練習。
  • Practice with a friend or family member.
  • Practice in front of your class.
  • Practice at home, alone or with your family (if you are comfortable doing so).


If you want to improve your public speaking skills, take some time to prepare yourself before each class presentation and make sure you practice thoroughly before delivering the talk in front of students or parents at home.


