




  • 日記:對於想要額外練習文法結構的學生來說,日記是一種很好的方式,因為對於每個條目應該多長或應該包含什麼類型的內容沒有任何規則——只要寫下自然發生的事情,只要有意義即可.* 日記/日記條目:日記很棒,因為它們為學生提供了充分的自我表達機會,而不受外部因素(例如長度要求或風格指南)的限制,否則可能會抑制其他類型寫作專案(例如...例如小說)。


One of the best ways to improve your grammar is by reading a lot. You should read a wide variety of material and text types, including fiction, nonfiction and poetry. When you’re just starting out in your reading career, try some easy books that are enjoyable for you–picture books or comic books may be good choices. As you become more confident with your reading skills, move on to more challenging works like novels or biographies; these will help build up your vocabulary as well as give you exposure to new grammatical concepts that might not have been covered in class (like compound sentences). If possible, try doing some research on different genres before starting any kind of book so that when choosing something new it won’t be too difficult for someone who hasn’t read much before!


  • 獲得他人的反饋。
  • 不要害怕問問題。
  • 不要害怕承認您不知道某些內容,或者您​​需要幫助來理解文本中的某些內容。與您嘗試自己做所有事情而不在需要時尋求幫助相比,這將幫助您更快、更有效率地學習!
  • 與他人說英語時不要害怕犯錯;他們會明白這是學習過程的一部分,甚至可能不會注意到(或關心)語法或發音中的小錯誤!


Group discussions are a great way to learn. You can learn from other people’s mistakes, or you can learn from the mistakes of others. If they made a mistake, then maybe you won’t make that same mistake when you write your essay. If no one in the group did well on an assignment and you did really well on yours, then maybe there was something about your way of writing that worked better than theirs did! This can be helpful because next time around when it’s your turn again and everyone else has done poorly yet again (because they didn’t use my method), now I know exactly what needs changing so I can do better too!


  • 透過造一些牽強或無意義的句子來玩文字遊戲。例如,「狗吃了我的作業」或「我媽媽去商店買了一輛新車」。
  • 發揮你的想像力,讓它盡可能地荒謬!你甚至可以在超市或上班的路上嘗試這個練習:看看周圍的物體,想想它們可以用來做什麼,如果有人以前考慮過(或沒有考慮過)。


One of the best ways to improve your grammar is by practicing. You can practice alone, but it’s more effective if you do it with a group of people who are also interested in improving their writing skills. In a study group, each member will take turns answering questions from a set list and then sharing their answers with everyone else. This is an excellent way for all members of the study group to learn from one another, because each person will get feedback on their own mistakes as well as those made by others in the group.






