


If you’re preparing for an exam, it can be tempting to cram all of your studying into a few late nights and early mornings. But study habits can make or break your grade, so it’s important to find ways to improve your concentration when studying. Here are some effective exam preparation techniques for improving concentration:

Begin preparing early.

  • Start early, but not too early.
  • Why it is important to get into the habit of studying early.
  • How to start studying early

Study in a quiet place.

The first step in improving your concentration is to find a quiet place to study. This will make it easier for you to focus on what you’re doing and avoid distractions, which can make it difficult for you to stay on task. If possible, try working in an area that has no noise at all–the library is often an ideal location for this purpose. If there are other people around who might be disruptive (or if there’s just too much noise), try finding a quiet corner where they won’t bother you while they’re studying or talking amongst themselves. You may also consider wearing earphones or headphones so that only the sounds from whatever media source(s) are audible through them; this will keep out any ambient noise as well as allow others’ voices from reaching your ears without being distorted by any kind of external device like speakers or amplifiers would do

Set goals and stick to them.

  • Set a goal and stick to it. The first step in preparing for an exam is setting a goal for yourself. What do you want out of this test? Do you want an A or B, or will C be acceptable? Once you know what grade range represents success, make sure that all of your study time and effort is focused on achieving that goal.
  • Don’t get distracted by other things. If there are any distractions in your life (social media, television), try not to let them interfere with studying time; instead set aside specific times throughout the day when these activities are okay so that they don’t take over everything else in life and cause stress levels to rise unnecessarily high during exam prep period – especially if taking multiple tests at once!
  • Don’t let yourself get tired too easily while trying hard not getting distracted by other things either 😉

Take breaks every hour or two.

  • Take a short break every hour or two.
  • Take a longer break after every two hours of studying.
Don’t work for more than four hours without taking a break, but don’t overdo it either–you want to keep your mind fresh and focused on the task at hand, not exhausted from fatigue! If it helps you focus better, try setting an alarm clock for 3/4 hour intervals so that when it goes off you’ll know it’s time to take a break (and then set another one). Examples of activities during these breaks could include: going for a brisk walk around the block; getting some fresh air by taking some deep breaths outside; drinking water or eating healthy snacks (nuts have been shown to increase blood flow); doing stretches while standing up; etc…

Study while you’re riding the bus or train.

If you’re like most people, you spend a lot of time commuting to and from work. Why not use this time to study? This can be an effective way to get some study time in without being distracted by other things going on around you. You can use this opportunity to learn new concepts or review what you have already learned through flashcards, practice tests or reading assignments.


  • 關掉你的手機。
  • Close your door and turn off the TV, so that you can focus on studying. If you’re in a shared space with others who aren’t studying, ask them to leave for a while so that they don’t distract you or vice versa (and make sure they do).
  • Set a timer to remind yourself when it’s time to take breaks–you can do this on an app like Pomodoro Timer or Timeful–so that every hour or two, depending on how long your exam is scheduled for and how much material needs reviewing before then, take some time away from studying by going outside for some fresh air; reading something unrelated; drinking water; taking deep breaths; stretching/moving around; eating snacks like apples/bananas/granola bars etc.; chatting with friends over text message/phone call etc., which will help boost energy levels back up again after being stuck inside all day long!

Record what you learn using different methods (writing, typing, etc.).

  • Record your notes in multiple ways.
  • Use a tape recorder and transcribe your recordings. This will help you to recall the information more easily, and you can also use it to check for mistakes or gaps in your knowledge.
  • Type up your notes, or ask someone else to type them for you if that’s easier for them than writing by hand (and it probably is). They’ll be able to spot typos and other errors that might slip past your own proofreading efforts, which are likely focused on content rather than spelling and punctuation these days! If all else fails…
  • Do both: write out some stuff by hand so that it sticks better in memory while still recording everything digitally so you can go back later on when needed!

These are some effective exam preparation techniques for improving concentration

  • Use the following techniques to improve concentration:
  • Acknowledge your feelings. Take note of what you’re feeling and why, then let go of that thought.
  • Focus on one thing at a time, whether it’s studying or working on a project at home or school. Don’t try to do too many things at once; this will only make it harder for you to concentrate on anything!
  • Find an area where there aren’t any distractions (like music), so that when it’s time for an exam, the only thing in your mind is how well prepared for success those techniques have made you!


We hope you found the information in this blog post useful and that it will help you to improve your concentration. If you have any questions about the techniques we discussed, please leave them in the comment section below!


