




Perseverance is defined as the ability to stick with and finish something, even when it’s difficult. It’s easy to confuse perseverance with stubbornness, but they are two very different things. Stubbornness refers to being unwilling or unable to change one’s mind or way of thinking about something; this can lead a person down the wrong path without realizing it until it is too late. Persevering involves taking steps toward your goal every day until you reach it–and then celebrating! Perseverance can be learned. You may need some extra help in order for it become part of your nature, but there are plenty of ways for us all learn how not only survive but thrive under pressure:


  • 它可以幫助您養成良好的習慣,例如定期學習或按時完成作業。
  • 當你面對挑戰或挫折時,例如意外的考試問題,或放學後無法與朋友出去的疾病,它會給你決心。 ;然而,如果有人透過實踐培養了這種特質,那麼他們很可能會繼續朝著他們的目標努力,直到他們取得成功


Perseverance is an important skill that can help students succeed in school. When you persevere, you keep trying even when things get hard. Students who have the perseverance to stick with something until they succeed are more likely to get good grades and go on to college than those who give up easily. They’re also more likely to graduate from college once they get there!


When you think of perseverance, what comes to mind? Maybe you think of someone who stuck with something and eventually achieved their goals. Maybe you think of someone who has had many obstacles in their life but managed to overcome them all. Or maybe, just maybe…you are that person! Whatever the case may be, perseverance is an important factor when it comes to success. If a student wants to succeed at school or any other endeavor then they need perseverance because without it there will be no progress made towards achieving your goals and dreams.


The ability to persevere is an important quality to have in school and at home. Perseverance is a skill that can be learned, and it’s one that will help you succeed in all aspects of your life. Let’s take a look at how perseverance helps students achieve success in school:
  • 堅持不懈的學生即使在學習過程中遇到障礙或挫折也能夠專注於學習。這裡的關鍵是當事情變得困難時不要放棄;相反,學生必須找到應對這些挑戰的方法,以便他們能夠繼續朝著自己的目標前進。
  • 那些有毅力的人不僅會取得更好的成績,而且隨著時間的推移,他們會不斷努力應對成功之路上遇到的任何挑戰,從而取得進步。




