




Feedback is an essential component of learning. As students progress through the school year, feedback can help them improve their writing skills and develop strategies for success in the future. It’s important to note that teacher-student relationships are built on trust–and trust only develops when you’re open with your students about what you expect from them. If a student writes a paper that gets good feedback from their teacher, then they’ll be more likely to try again with another assignment down the road because they know what works!


  • 即時提供,以便學生可以立即應用他們從經驗中學到的知識。這將幫助他們更快、更有效地提高,而不是等到課後或考試後,因為在重要的專案截止日期過去之前,他們可能已經太晚了。
  • 確保您的評論對每個學生都有意義——如果某條特定建議不能很好地適用於一個人的學習風格或技能水平(或者如果另一條建議適用),那麼不要向他/她強行灌輸信息他們不會用!不要只是說“你需要更多練習”,而是嘗試就他/她下次如何更好地練習提出具體建議:“在使用技術之前,先嘗試用筆和紙再次計算這些方程式;有時這可以幫助我找出我的錯誤在哪裡。或者甚至可以提供一些技巧,告訴他/她如何透過各種線上資源更好地理解概念——這樣每個人都會贏!


Feedback is a tool to help students learn and improve. It should not be used as a tool for grading. Instead, feedback should be given early and often–and in ways that help students grow from their mistakes. This can be done through both verbal and written communication. In fact, we think it’s important for teachers to offer both kinds of feedback because they complement one another well: written comments provide structure and organization while face-to-face conversation allows for deeper exploration of ideas or concepts that may be confusing or difficult for students (and teachers!) to grasp on their own


When students receive timely, specific and positive feedback, they are more likely to be engaged in the learning process. This is because they understand what they need to do to improve their performance and have specific steps on how they can do so. Students also benefit from constructive criticism, which can help them learn from their mistakes instead of repeating them over again in future performances or assignments. Constructive criticism is essential for effective learning; however it should never be used as an opportunity for teachers or professors to put down students’ work or make them feel bad about themselves as individuals (this is called abusive feedback). Instead, constructive feedback should focus on helping students improve their skills by pointing out areas where improvement is needed so that they can develop strategies for improvement going forward


  • 早且經常。越早提供回饋越好。如果學生在某個特定概念上遇到困難,最好在他或她在課堂上落後太多之前解決這個問題。
  • 一致性是關鍵。無論您在課堂討論中使用書面筆記還是口頭評論,請確保您的學生確切知道他們需要改進的地方以及如何透過在學校期間(從幼兒園到畢業)提供一致的回饋來實現這一點!
  • 及時性很重要!不僅要確保您的回饋儘早到達,而且要及時到達,以滿足學生在學術旅程(即大學)的每個階段的學習需求。




