


One of the challenges of being a student is taking effective notes. It’s easy to write down what you think the teacher is saying and then later realize that you missed half the important information. If you want to get the most out of your classes and make sure that you’re learning everything you need, then it’s vital that you learn these techniques for taking good notes in class:

Keep a record of your notes.

Here are a few tips for keeping your notes organized:
  • Use a notepad, or a computer program like Evernote or OneNote. If you choose to use an electronic device, make sure it’s easy to access so that you can refer back to it at any time.
  • Keep your notes organized by topic and date of creation. This will help keep the information clear in your mind when reviewing them later on!

Listen carefully to lectures, then take notes on what you heard.

Listen carefully to lectures, then take notes on what you heard.
  • Don’t just listen, but also think about what you are hearing.
  • Write down the main points of what the teacher is saying, not every word or every detail. You can always go back and fill in any details later if need be; don’t worry about writing down everything, just write down the main points for now!
  • Don’t take notes on what you think the teacher is going to say (for example: “I bet she’s going to talk about…”). Instead focus on listening attentively so that when she does talk about it, there will be no question in your mind as far as whether or not this was worth writing down!

Take good notes in class.

Taking good notes in class is one of the best ways to ensure that you know what’s going on, and can recall it later. When you hear something that is important, write it down immediately! Don’t write down everything the teacher says or else your notes will be too long and hard to read. Also, don’t just write down what the teacher says; write down what other students say as well–this will help you remember who said what later on when studying for an exam or writing a paper.

Examine your notes after each class.

After a class, take a few minutes to review your notes. Check that you understand everything in them and make any changes or additions that may be necessary. If there are still parts of the lecture that don’t make sense to you, ask about them during the next class session. If there are still things left unanswered, try looking them up online (but only after seeking help from instructors or classmates first!).

Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed by a lot of information at once.

Remember that you don’t need to take notes on everything the professor says. The key is to pay attention and focus on what is important. Don’t worry about getting everything down verbatim, or even trying to understand every detail of what the professor is saying. Just listen carefully and try your best!

Effective note-taking is an important skill for students to develop, and these techniques can help you do that.

The ability to take effective notes is an important skill for students to develop. It can help you remember information and improve your grades, but it’s also just good practice in general. The more you practice taking notes, the better you’ll get at it–and there are lots of different ways to do so! Some professors may prefer that their students take handwritten notes while others might prefer typed ones (or both). Some classes also have specific requirements on what kinds of materials are allowed in class: laptops, tablets and smartphones are often banned because they distract other students or cause problems with noise levels; however some professors allow these devices as long as they aren’t used during tests/quizzes/etc.. In either case though make sure that whatever method(s) you use works best for both yourself and those around you so everyone has an enjoyable learning experience together 🙂


There are many different ways to take notes and many different reasons why you might want to take notes. Taking good notes is an important skill for students, so it’s worth learning how to do it well. The techniques we’ve discussed here should help you get started on your journey towards becoming an effective note-taker!


