幼兒教育在香港如此重要的 5 個原因

香港的幼兒教育(ECE) 是一個非常熱門的話題。作為社區領袖,我被邀請分享我對這個問題的看法,它抓住了公眾的心理是有充分理由的。在香港社會中,沒有什麼比幼兒教育對更多兒童的生活產生影響的了,幼兒教育往往發生在人生命的最初幾年。我的職業生涯始於早期教育老師,教導幼兒閱讀(並且熱愛閱讀!)。然後我進入行政部門,幫忙從頭開始創建了兩個幼兒計畫。我目前是該協會的主席 香港家長教師會 (HKPTA)。我的歐洲經委會之旅是一段令人著迷的經歷,它讓我對我們目前在這個領域面臨的一些緊迫問題有了獨特的視角。

1. 幼兒教育幫助兒童養成終生受益的良好習慣與技能:


2. 幼兒期是為孩子未來成功奠定許多基礎的時期:


 3. 早年對於大腦發育至關重要:


4. 早年對於大腦發育至關重要:


5. 早期介入會影響孩子在學校和社會發展中的成功:

If a young child is struggling with certain concepts or skills, intervening at an early age can have a big impact on their educational trajectory later in life. Children who have enrolled in early intervention programs have been shown to have better academic outcomes and higher graduation rates later. It’s clear that high-quality early childhood education has lifelong benefits for young learners! So why is early education so important? Because it’s been proven to help children reach their full potential in multiple areas: socially, emotionally, cognitively, and academically. So no matter what your predisposed opinions towards pre-k education maybe? It’s definitely something worth considering if you want to provide your young child with a solid foundation for the future. When children engage in activities that stimulate their minds, they’re building neural connections in their brains—connections that will continue to influence their growth and learning across all developmental domains. If a young child is struggling with certain concepts or skills, intervening at an early age can have a big impact on their educational trajectory later in life. TigerCampus is Hong Kong’s top online and home tutoring platform where you can even request a tutor just to see if you like them. 趕快為您的孩子找一位家教吧!


幼兒教育在香港如此重要的 5 個原因
