国际文凭 (IB) 课程通常与高中生联系在一起,但您可能会惊讶地发现,也有适合 3 至 4 岁儿童的 IB 课程。这些课程帮助儿童培养语言、数学、社会研究和科学技能。研究表明,在这个年龄段完成 IB 课程的学生在以后的生活中比没有参加此类课程的学生有更高的学业成绩。
The IB Diploma is a two-year program, which offers students the opportunity to study six subjects in depth. The diploma is recognized by universities around the world and accepted by over 3,000 universities worldwide. It’s also globally recognized as a qualification that challenges students at a high level, preparing them for further study or entry into the workforce upon completion of secondary school.
The structure of an IB course can vary depending on its subject area (e.g., Humanities versus Science). However, most courses will include:
- 一篇占最终成绩 40% 的扩展论文 (EE),要求您根据所选研究领域内已批准的主题进行独立研究;然后,您将根据这项研究撰写一篇论证性论文,并根据 APA 格式指南正确引用参考文献
The International Baccalaureate (IB) Curriculum is a rigorous, academically challenging course of study that prepares students for the future. It’s designed to develop global-mindedness and critical thinking skills.
The IB curriculum consists of six subject groups: Language A1, B2, and C1; Individuals and Societies; Experimental Sciences (either Physics or Chemistry); Mathematics; Creative Arts and Design (Visual Art/Dance/Music/ Theatre); Theory of Knowledge (TOK).
The IB Diploma Programme is an international educational program that provides an academically rigorous, challenging and balanced education to students aged 16-19. It offers students the opportunity to study a wide range of subjects and take exams in six subject groups: Language A1 (first language), Language A2 (second language), literature and performance; science; mathematics; arts/design/technology; social sciences.
The diploma requires 120 credits overall with at least 24 from each subject group as well as two core components: Theory of Knowledge (TOK)and Creativity Action Service(CAS). This means that your child will have a broad range of academic experiences including critical thinking skills such as analyzing information or solving problems creatively through service learning projects or volunteering with local organizations
IB 提供两种课程:文凭课程(DP)和预文凭课程(PD)。
The International Baccalaureate (IB) offers two programmes: the Diploma Programme (DP), and the Pre-Diploma Programme (PD).
The DP is a diploma programme that can be completed by students who want to pursue higher education. The PD is for students who do not plan on pursuing higher education but would like to gain knowledge in various fields of study.
IB文凭课程学费 is a course of study that is designed to prepare students for university and life beyond. It’s also a qualification, earned over two years. The IB Diploma is an international qualification because it has been recognized by universities around the world as one of the best ways for young people to demonstrate their academic ability and personal growth.
The IB Diploma Programme (DP) portfolio consists of six components:
- 知识理论(TOK)——一篇探讨哲学问题的文章,例如“我们所说的知识是什么意思?”或“我们如何知道我们所知道的?”
- 扩展论文 (EE) - 学生完成与他们的兴趣和热情相关的主题的独立研究项目,展示他们如何通过这个项目发展他们的研究方法和批判性思维技能
国际文凭 (IB) 是全球各大学都认可的国际资格证书。在加拿大和澳大利亚等许多国家,IB 文凭也被认可为高中文凭。根据您居住的地点和选择攻读的课程,IB 文凭可能被考虑作为本科学位或研究生学位进入大学。例如:
- 在美国,一些州认为 IB 文凭课程相当于在其公立高等教育机构(包括佛罗里达州和北卡罗来纳州)获得两年(或更长时间)的大学学分。*在加拿大,完成 IB 课程的学生将获得省级中学成绩单和 CIC 护照(进入高等教育的必需品)的认可。
IB 与 AP 课程相比如何?
The IB is a high school-level course, whereas AP classes are college-level courses. This means that the IB curriculum is more rigorous and time-consuming than AP. In addition to this, many students who take an IB exam may defer from taking their final exam because it can be very stressful for them.
Another difference between these two programs is that you need to apply for an AP course before registering for it; however, with the IB program you don’t have any application process–you simply enroll yourself into an available class when it comes around your year (for example first semester senior year).
谁可以参加 IB 考试?
If you’re an IB student, you don’t have to worry about meeting these requirements. However, if your child wants to take an exam but doesn’t meet them (for example, if they’re not enrolled in an IB school), then they’ll need special permission from their home country’s national authority for that subject area.
As far as we know there are no such authorities for US states or Canadian provinces–so if your child wants to take an exam and isn’t enrolled at an international school or university with its own national authority (and assuming there isn’t one), then he or she will need special permission from the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO).
You can take the exams in any order, but you’ll need to plan ahead if you want to complete them all at once or spread them out over a few years. You can also take them at home or at an official test center–this is up to you!
However, it’s important that you know that there are some restrictions on which languages can be used for each exam: IB Diploma Programme (DP) candidates must use one of the following languages as their medium of instruction: Chinese/English; French/English; German/English; Spanish/English. For Higher Level (HL) Language A1 and B2 examinations, candidates may choose from Arabic A1 & B2; Chinese A1 & B2; French A1 & B2; German A1 & B2; Italian A1 & B2; Japanese A1 & B2; Korean A1 & B2; Russian A1 & B2 Spanish A1B2
了解 IB 是什么以及它如何运作可以帮助父母为孩子的教育道路做出正确的决定。
The International Baccalaureate (IB) is a global program that offers high-quality, challenging education to more than one million students in over 140 countries. The IB aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young people who help to create a better world through intercultural understanding and respect.
The IB provides a framework for educating students aged 3-19 years old with the aim of developing their intellectual, personal and social skills so they can participate fully in life at school as well as at home or work later on. The curriculum consists of six subject groups: Language Acquisition (Language A), Language B – Literature Humanities & Mathematics Studies Science
In addition to these core subjects there are three optional groups: Arts Sport & Physical Education Creativity Movement
You may have heard terms like ‘The Diploma Programme’ or ‘DP’ when talking about the IB; this refers specifically to post-16 courses which include two years of higher level study (HL).
The IB is a great program, but it’s not for everyone. If you’re looking for an alternative to traditional high school education and want to keep your options open for college, try the AP or SAT test. It can be difficult to navigate through all of these options on your own–especially if English isn’t your first language! That’s why we created this guide: so that parents can understand what each one means for their child’s future before making any decisions about where they’ll go next year or beyond.
For more information about what’s best for your child and having a free trial of
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