


College is a big step. It requires a lot of hard work and preparation, but it’s worth it! Here are some tips that will help you get ready for college:

Find a college that’s right for you

Once you’ve done your research, it’s time to start narrowing down your choices. The first thing to do is determine what kind of college experience you want. Do you want a large school with lots of student life activities and extracurriculars? Or would a smaller college with fewer distractions be more appealing? The next step is looking at each school’s academic programs and reputation. You may also want to consider checking out the location and size of each school–some students prefer big cities while others prefer rural areas–and how prestigious its name is in relation to other institutions (which can affect job prospects after graduation).

Make sure you’re on the right track academically

If you are planning on going to college, then it is important to make sure that you are on the right track academically. You should make sure that:
  • You’re graduating with a good GPA (3.0 or higher)
  • You will meet all of the requirements for your degree program
  • Any scholarships or grants that apply to your major and/or career choice

Set up your own personal tutoring program

  • Find a tutor. There are many ways to find a tutor, but the best way is through word-of-mouth. Ask your friends who they use and if they think it’s worth it. Also, ask your parents if they know any teachers or professors who would be willing to help out with this kind of thing. You can also check out sites like Craigslist or Thumbtack for more options.*
  • Make sure that whoever you hire knows what they’re doing! If you have chemistry homework due tomorrow morning and need someone who knows their stuff in order for them not just say “oh yeah my friend does this stuff too” then make sure before hiring them that they actually know how much time goes into studying for something like this so as not waste money on something useless.* Set up weekly meetings between yourself and whoever will be helping with schoolwork.* Be honest about what exactly needs improving–if there isn’t anything wrong with my writing style then why would I want someone else editing my essays?

Establish strong relationships with teachers, counselors and administrators at your high school

Your high school years are the time to build relationships with teachers, counselors and administrators. These relationships will help you throughout your college career and beyond.
  • Build a strong rapport with your teachers. Teachers can be a great resource for learning about colleges, especially if they know the area well or have connections within the local community. They may also be able to provide you with advice on how to prepare for certain parts of the application process (such as writing essays).
  • Develop positive relationships with your counselors at school or online through sites like CollegeBoard’s Naviance program (formerly known as Compass). Your counselor will be familiar with all aspects of applying for college–from financial aid forms to choosing which schools are right for you–and should be able to offer guidance throughout this process as well!

Get involved in extracurricular activities (both inside and outside of school)

The best way to prepare for college is by getting involved in extracurricular activities. The more experiences you have, the better prepared you’ll be for whatever comes next. There are many ways to get involved with extracurriculars: sports teams, clubs and societies, student government and school organizations like the National Honor Society or Key Club (which raises money for charity). You can also find opportunities outside of school through community service groups such as Habitat for Humanity or Teach For America; these groups help students develop leadership skills while making an impact on their communities. If you’re not sure where to start looking for these opportunities or what kind of fit they might be for your personality type–or if it seems like there isn’t enough time in your schedule right now–the best thing I can suggest is just giving it a try! Some things may turn out great while others won’t work out so well at first glance but could lead somewhere else down the road.”

Don’t wait until your senior year to start preparing for college.

Don’t wait until your senior year to start preparing for college. As a high school student, it’s important that you start preparing for college early. You should begin thinking about what kind of school would be best for you and what classes will help prepare you for the next step in your education as soon as possible–even if this means starting during freshman year or even before!


Preparing for college is a lot of work, but it’s also incredibly rewarding. By taking care of business in high school and making sure that you have strong relationships with your teachers, counselors and administrators, you’ll be well on your way to getting into the best school possible. And once you get there? Well then those relationships will be even more important because they’ll help guide you through all those first-year jitters!


