




Once you’ve done your research, it’s time to start narrowing down your choices. The first thing to do is determine what kind of college experience you want. Do you want a large school with lots of student life activities and extracurriculars? Or would a smaller college with fewer distractions be more appealing? The next step is looking at each school’s academic programs and reputation. You may also want to consider checking out the location and size of each school–some students prefer big cities while others prefer rural areas–and how prestigious its name is in relation to other institutions (which can affect job prospects after graduation).


If you are planning on going to college, then it is important to make sure that you are on the right track academically. You should make sure that:
  • 你以优异的 GPA(3.0 或更高)毕业
  • 您将满足学位课程的所有要求
  • 任何适用于你的专业和/或职业选择的奖学金或助学金


  • 找家教。找家教的方法有很多,但最好的方法是通过口口相传。问问你的朋友他们找谁家教,他们觉得值得吗?另外,问问你的父母是否认识愿意帮忙做这种事情的老师或教授。你也可以查看 Craigslist 或 Thumbtack 等网站以获得更多选择。*
  • 确保你雇佣的人知道他们在做什么!如果你明天早上要交化学作业,需要一个了解他们的东西的人,这样他们就不会只是说“哦,是的,我的朋友也做这个”,那么在雇佣他们之前,一定要确保他们知道要花多少时间学习这样的事情,以免把钱浪费在无用的事情上。* 安排你和任何将帮助完成学业的人之间的每周会议。* 诚实地说出到底需要改进什么——如果我的写作风格没有任何问题,那我为什么要让别人编辑我的文章?


  • 与老师建立良好的关系。老师是了解大学的重要资源,尤其是如果他们熟悉该地区或在当地社区有联系。他们还可以为您提供有关如何准备申请过程某些部分(例如撰写论文)的建议。
  • 通过 CollegeBoard 的 Naviance 计划(以前称为 Compass)等网站与学校或网上的辅导员建立积极的关系。您的辅导员将熟悉申请大学的各个方面 - 从经济援助表格到选择适合您的学校 - 并且应该能够在整个过程中提供指导!


The best way to prepare for college is by getting involved in extracurricular activities. The more experiences you have, the better prepared you’ll be for whatever comes next. There are many ways to get involved with extracurriculars: sports teams, clubs and societies, student government and school organizations like the National Honor Society or Key Club (which raises money for charity). You can also find opportunities outside of school through community service groups such as Habitat for Humanity or Teach For America; these groups help students develop leadership skills while making an impact on their communities. If you’re not sure where to start looking for these opportunities or what kind of fit they might be for your personality type–or if it seems like there isn’t enough time in your schedule right now–the best thing I can suggest is just giving it a try! Some things may turn out great while others won’t work out so well at first glance but could lead somewhere else down the road.”


Don’t wait until your senior year to start preparing for college. As a high school student, it’s important that you start preparing for college early. You should begin thinking about what kind of school would be best for you and what classes will help prepare you for the next step in your education as soon as possible–even if this means starting during freshman year or even before!




