




Parental involvement is the extent to which parents are involved in their child’s education. A parent can be involved at school by volunteering, attending events and activities, or helping out with homework. Schools can help parents become more involved in their children’s education by providing opportunities for them to volunteer at school and make an impact on their children’s learning experience.




The type of support a student needs from their family will depend on their age, stage in education and individual situation. Parents can provide financial support by paying for school fees as well as helping with rent or mortgage payments. Parents also play an important role in supporting their child emotionally by listening to them when they are upset about something at school or simply being there for them when they need someone to talk to. There are different types of parental involvement:
  • 主动——包括参加家长会并与老师讨论您希望孩子的教育经历;
  • 被动——这意味着为您的孩子提供机会,例如购买书籍或校服,以便他/她没有任何借口在休息后不回去;
  • 间接——这包括在家里创造一个积极的学习环境,让孩子们感到足够舒服地讨论他们的成就(或缺乏成就)、抱负等等


As students head back to school, it’s important to remember that parents play an essential role in their children’s success. Schools should take steps to help parents become more involved in their child’s education and academic life. For example:
  • 学校应该有一位家长联络员,可以随时通过电话或电子邮件联系。此人的作用因地区而异,但他们应该在整个学年中为家庭和教师提供资源。
  • 学校应该邀请(并欢迎)家长参加集会和开放日等活动;这些活动是您结识其他家长和定期与您的孩子一起工作的工作人员以及您的孩子的机会!
  • 每个学期都应该定期邀请家长到教室来,这样他们就能知道孩子每天在教室里的学习经历,以及当孩子以后遇到家庭作业时,他们可以如何为孩子做出更大的贡献。”


Parental support is an essential part of student success. Parents are the first teachers, and they play a key role in ensuring that their children receive the best education possible. When parents are involved in their children’s education, students are more likely to feel supported by them and know that they care about their education. When it comes to supporting your child at school, there are lots of ways you can help out! You could attend school events like pep rallies or open houses; volunteer as a tutor or chaperone on field trips; sign up for newsletters so you can get regular updates on what’s going on at school; offer extra help with homework when needed (but don’t overdo it); talk openly about what it takes for kids today to succeed academically–and make sure yours knows exactly how proud we are!




