


Exams are a big part of life for students, and they can cause a lot of stress and anxiety. For example, if you’re preparing for an exam you may feel uncomfortable when you miss a question or get the answer wrong. This is normal for many people, but some students can experience anxiety that goes beyond what’s expected in these situations. Exam anxiety is different from other types of stress because it involves feelings of fear and panic rather than just anxiety or worry over a situation.


Exam anxiety is a feeling of nervousness or worry about a test. It affects people in different ways, but it can be particularly difficult for students who have anxiety disorders to manage. Exam anxiety may be caused by external factors like family problems or peer pressure, but it’s also likely that there are internal causes: genetic predisposition and personality traits. Exam-related stress can affect performance on the day of an exam because you’re too nervous to think straight–and this makes sense when you consider that your brain uses up more energy than any other organ in your body! In fact, some research suggests that exam stress might even make memory worse over time (Bartolomeo et al., 2013).

Exam Stress and Anxiety

Are you feeling stressed about your upcoming exams? If so, you’re not alone. Exam stress and anxiety are common problems among students of all ages. The difference between stress and anxiety is that stress is a normal part of the exam experience; it’s what happens when our bodies react to a threat by releasing hormones like adrenaline and cortisol into our bloodstreams so we can respond quickly if needed. Anxiety on the other hand is when worry about something becomes overwhelming – causing us to feel tense or nervous for no apparent reason (or at least one that we can see).

Exam Anxiety as an Emotional Problem

Exam anxiety is a form of anxiety. It can be caused by fear of failure or success, embarrassment or humiliation. Exam anxiety may also be triggered by the belief that you are not good enough at your subject and will not perform well in an exam situation.

Effects of Exam Anxiety on Performance

Exam anxiety can cause a number of physical symptoms, including trembling, sweating and nausea. These are often referred to as “fight or flight” responses because they prepare the body for action in the face of danger or threat. Physical symptoms like these can have an impact on exam performance – if you’re feeling ill or anxious about your ability to perform well on an exam then that will likely make it harder for you to concentrate on what’s being asked of you. Furthermore, if these feelings are long-lasting they could interfere with other aspects of your life outside school too – such as sleeping well or eating properly (which is important for staying healthy). Mental symptoms associated with exam stress include negative thoughts about your ability to perform well during an upcoming test; worrying about getting ill before an important test; negative thoughts about yourself generally (e.g., “I’m stupid”)

Mindfulness as a Solution to Exam Anxiety

Mindfulness is a skill that can be learned. When you are mindful, you are more aware of your emotions, thoughts and body. Mindfulness helps people to stay focused and relaxed in the present moment instead of worrying about the past or future. When we become anxious during an exam it is because our mind has wandered away from the task at hand and into thoughts about other things such as previous exams or how well we did on last year’s exam. We also tend to focus on negative outcomes like failing the test or getting poor grades (which will lead us down a path of self-doubt). The more our minds wander away from what we’re doing right now–such as studying for an upcoming test–the less effective we become at studying because our attention spans become shorter due to anxiety levels increasing throughout this process!

Mindfulness can be a useful tool for managing exam stress and anxiety.

Mindfulness can be a useful tool for managing exam stress and anxiety. When we are experiencing stress or anxiety, our thoughts often become distorted. We tend to focus on things that aren’t helpful and ignore things that would make us feel better – like the fact that the exam is over! Mindfulness helps you become more aware of your thoughts so that they don’t control how you feel or how well you do in an exam situation. Being mindful means noticing when you are feeling stressed or anxious, recognising negative thoughts but letting them go without judging yourself harshly for having those thoughts (this is known as “letting go”), being kinder towards yourself and others by not getting upset about little things (like forgetting where something is), staying focused on what matters rather than worrying about everything else going wrong with life at this exact moment (or even worse: worrying about what might happen next year).


Exam anxiety is a problem that students face all over the world. It can have a negative impact on your performance and affect your mental health, but there are ways to manage it. Mindfulness is one such method that has been shown in studies to be effective at reducing exam stress and anxiety. By practicing mindfulness regularly, you can learn how to focus on the present moment without being caught up in negative thoughts about past or future events–and this will help keep your mind clear during exams!


