


  • 数字营销是电子商务的一个重要领域。随着数字营销的不断发展,越来越多的公司开始招聘数字营销人员,这使其成为新工作岗位最多的领域之一。
  • 如果你想参与数字革命,那么数字营销可能就是你的选择。这个行业还很新,人才还不算过剩,而且随着电子商务需求的增加,随着越来越多的公司加入市场,机会仍将存在。
  • 数字营销工作的例子有产品经理和在线营销人员。产品经理需要具备强大的技术技能,因为他们负责将客户需求转化为业务要求并监督产品开发。在线营销人员需要具备多种技能,包括内容创建、搜索引擎优化 (SEO)、数据分析和设计,以便通过 Facebook 或 Twitter 等社交媒体平台或 LinkedIn 或微信等 B2B 平台吸引客户与他们的公司进行对话。他们还必须通过付费推广管理多个平台上的在线广告活动和计划,例如 Google 或百度 Adwords、YouTube 或优酷广告和 Facebook 广告,同时跟踪这些计划的点击次数和展示次数等绩效指标以及销售结果。




Data scientist You’ve probably read a lot about this job of the future, but have you ever wondered what exactly a data scientist does? This field is all about crunching numbers and using them to improve business processes and services. As more and more companies realize that big data can help them improve their businesses, there is an increased demand for skilled employees who can work with the data. To be successful in this role you will need problem-solving skills, good communication skills, and experience working with machine learning. As it is such an in-demand position, data scientists earn a pretty penny: the average monthly salary of one in Hong Kong is HK$39,000 according to Neuvoo. Many employers also offer extra benefits including health insurance or even free food!


Analytics is the discovery and communication of meaningful patterns in data. People who work in analytics use data to answer questions and find solutions to problems. Why is it growing? There’s an increasing amount of data being generated by companies, as well as an increased demand for this information to be used to improve businesses. Uses include monitoring how customers interact with products and services (to inform marketing efforts), analyzing financial performance (to make strategic decisions), or improving online security (to keep hackers out). While analytics is a field that’s been around for a while, it has grown rapidly over the past decade due to technological advances that have made accessing these vast amounts of data easier and more efficient. This trend will continue as more companies invest in big data.


Cloud solutions are increasingly in demand as local companies (and the world at large) move towards a cloud-based infrastructure. As one of the fastest-growing career paths in the IT industry, it’s no surprise that this is an area where you can get a good job and make some money! To become an expert in cloud solutions, you’ll need to develop both hard and soft skills. On the technical side, you will need to be skilled in networking, distributed systems, serverless computing, and security. Soft skills such as customer service are also important as delivering cloud services requires dealing with customers directly using your operational and communication expertise.


DevOps 角色需要 Linux、Python 和 Java 等技能。如果您想成为香港的 DevOps 工程师,请考虑以下几点:
  • 什么是DevOps?
  • 根据 DevOps 现状报告,DevOps 是一种持续学习的文化,专注于通过实验、反馈和协作来改善成果。在这个系统中,每个人的工作都以最终产品为中心。这意味着所有团队成员(包括开发人员和运营专业人员)共同努力,以前所未有的速度为客户交付和部署软件。
  • DevOps 工程师的职能
  • 作为 DevOps 工程师,您将负责在我们的核心平台产品中构建新功能,并使用我们的 CI/CD 管道将它们部署到生产环境中。您的主要职责包括开发新的微服务,为我们全球的企业客户提供先进的 IT 基础设施管理解决方案。您还将与其他跨职能团队(如 QA 工程师、产品经理和客户服务团队)密切合作,通过 Scrum 和看板等敏捷方法频繁传达有关您正在进行的项目的最新动态。
  • 需要什么技能
  • DevOps 工程师所需的最重要的技能是能够在将软件部署到生产环境时解决客户面临的问题时具有跳出思维定势的能力。您还应该具备良好的 Linux 管理知识,并具有管理部署在 AWS 云环境 分别使用 Terraform 或以 YAML 语言语法编写的云形成模板等工具。为了大规模高效地自动化基础设施部署任务,所有申请此职位的候选人都必须具有使用 Python 或 Bash Shell 脚本等脚本语言的经验,以实现整个应用程序生命周期管理流程 (ALM) 中的端到端自动化目的。在 Kubernetes 生态系统中工作的经验将是有利的,因为我们的大多数客户端应用程序都是建立在微服务之上的


Fintech is an area of finance that uses technology to make complex tasks easier for banks. For example, one problem with traditional money transfers is that the records are kept by two separate parties, so it’s easy for paperwork to get lost and mistakes to happen. Fintech offers a solution: Blockchain technology allows the process to be completed by one party only, giving you better security and making sure all payments are received. Hong Kong has become a significant player in fintech because it has many talented people who can help develop new ways to use this technology—and this is creating some great job opportunities for those with the right skills. If you’re looking for a fintech career, here’s what you need:


  • 什么是网络安全?
  • 这份工作怎么样?
  • 需要什么资格?
  • 在哪里可以了解更多有关网络安全的信息?




If you’re looking for a job, you should know that there are lots of good jobs in Hong Kong. [Career site and company] recently released their list of the most in-demand jobs in Hong Kong that companies and recruiters need to fill by now. In fact, as of February 2018, [company name] has 4,762 such listed positions—it’s almost a five-times increase compared to the beginning of 2016! Based on the report’s findings, here are the top 10 jobs that companies and recruiters urgently need to fill today:
  • 业务拓展(BD)
  • 数据科学/分析
  • 云解决方案咨询与工程 – DevOps
  • 金融科技
  • 网络安全咨询与工程
  • 人工智能(AI)、机器学习(ML)、深度学习/ FusionEX HK Limited


