




Studying is a skill that needs to be developed. It’s not just about reading textbooks and memorizing facts, but rather understanding the material. For example, if you ask someone how many times 2+2 equals 4 and they answer “five” without hesitation or explanation, then they have not learned anything from this exercise. On the other hand, if they can explain why 2+2=4 (because when you add two things together and get four) then they’ve gained an insight into mathematics that will help them later on in life even if they don’t choose to become mathematicians themselves!


It’s one of the most important skills a student can develop. Time management is a critical aspect of studying effectively, and it can be learned with practice. The first step in developing good time management skills is to understand that they are skills that can be developed over time. You may not see results immediately, but with consistent effort and dedication you will see improvements over time. There are many different ways of automating your time-management strategies so that they work best for your needs: apps such as Toggl or RescueTime; tools like Trello (which also has an app) or Asana; even simple paper planners work well!


You can develop good time management skills. It’s not easy to learn how to manage your time effectively, but it’s important for students because of the amount of work that needs completing in a short period of time. Students spend their days juggling classes and extracurricular activities, which means they don’t always have enough hours in the day for everything they need or want to do. If you’re finding yourself running late with deadlines or struggling with assignments because you didn’t have enough time during the week (or even just one day), then here are some tips on how you can improve your use of minutes and hours:


  • 待办事项清单
  • 日历视图(或其他可视化日期的方法)
  • 时间追踪工具


  • 设定目标。这是完成任何任务的第一步,无论任务大小。无论是两周后要交的论文还是即将到来的考试,你都需要知道你想从这次经历中得到什么。
  • 确定任务的优先顺序。一旦你设定了目标并知道需要做什么,就花点时间反思一下哪些任务对于实现这些目标最重要(以及哪些任务需要立即关注)。如果有些事情可以等到以后再做——比如三个月后要完成的作业——那么确保现在不要花太多精力在这上面!
  • 有效地管理你的时间,以便所有这些任务都能按时完成,而不会牺牲质量或乐趣!


In order to be productive and successful, students need to develop the skill of time management. Time management is a skill that needs to be learned and practiced over time. Students should start developing this skill early on in their educational careers so they can be as efficient as possible throughout their academic careers. Time management is important because it helps you accomplish more with your day-to-day activities than would otherwise be possible if you were not using it effectively. As a student, there are many responsibilities that need to get done each day: homework assignments; reading for class; studying for tests; writing papers or reports…the list goes on and on! If you don’t know how best organize yourself so that these tasks are completed effectively and efficiently then chances are good that some will fall through the cracks–or worse yet–you’ll feel overwhelmed by all of them at once (and not know where or how begin).




