




  • 你应该知道你喜欢并且擅长哪种写作。
  • 您还应该知道您不擅长但想要从事哪种写作。
  • 您可以利用这些知识来帮助您提高那些需要努力的领域的技能。


As you read, take note of the structure of your favorite books. You may find that some authors have a tendency to use certain types of paragraphs or sentences, or even specific words and phrases. If you notice that one author does something in a certain way that another author doesn’t, try putting it into action yourself! Another way to learn from others is by examining the structure of books that don’t work as well for you. If there’s an aspect of writing that doesn’t appeal to you as much as others–say, perhaps because it feels too formal–then this can be helpful information when trying to improve your own style.


When you read a piece of writing, ask yourself why you like (or dislike) it. This is an important question to ask because it helps you understand what makes a piece of writing good or bad. If you don’t know how to answer this question, here are some ways that can help:
  • 思考作者论证的质量。他提供了什么证据来支持他的主张?他使用的事实是否来自可靠来源?根据我们对该主题的了解,他的推理是否合理?他的逻辑是否有漏洞或论证存在漏洞——如果有,如何解决?
  • 考虑一下文章中是否公平地代表了各方观点。例如,如果有人反对全球变暖是由人类造成的(保守派的普遍看法),那么试着找一篇支持这一理论的文章——或者更好的办法!找出他们意见相左的地方,这样双方的观点在一篇文章中就得到了公平和平等的体现!




When you’re preparing to write, it’s always a good idea to take advantage of the knowledge of others. Reading, watching and listening to others is one way you can learn more about a topic and make sure that what you’re saying is accurate. But don’t just listen passively–make sure that when someone says something important in their writing (or speech), you pay attention! In addition to getting feedback from other people on your work as often as possible, try reading multiple sources of information on different aspects of your topic before sitting down at your computer keyboard or notebook paper. This will give us more perspectives on our subject matter than if we were relying only on one source alone.


The best way to improve your writing skills is by practicing. The more you write, the better you’ll get at it. If you want to learn how to write well, then start a blog or journal and write about something you care about; this will help give direction and purpose to your writing practice. The next step would be getting feedback from others on what works well in their eyes and what could be improved upon by reading over their comments carefully so that they sink in deep enough for future reference when working on new pieces of work later down the road!






