Reading the dictionary from cover to cover is a great way to improve your vocabulary. Don’t be afraid to look up words you don’t know; in fact, this should be encouraged! It’s no good learning new words if you don’t understand the ones that are already in your head. If you want to make sure that what you’re reading makes sense, try using an online dictionary app on your phone or computer–they can help with definitions and pronunciation as well as providing sample sentences so that when someone uses a word in conversation with you (which they will), it won’t sound completely unfamiliar.制作自己的单词表。
- 确保你对这个话题感兴趣。当信息与你相关且有趣时,你的大脑更有可能记住它,所以如果你认为单词表会很无聊,那它很可能就是如此!
- 确保手边有一本好的字典以及一些抽认卡或其他工具来记录你已经知道和还不知道的单词。
- 从各种来源(比如这个博客!)挑选一些单词列表。
Reading books set in other countries and cultures is a great way to improve your vocabulary. Many of the words you encounter will be new to you, but they will help expand your understanding of the English language. If you want to read books set in other countries and cultures, there are many options available on Amazon and other online retailers. You can also find them at local libraries or bookstores if they’re more convenient for you! To find foreign films that are good for learning new words:- 谷歌搜索“有史以来最佳 10 部外国电影”将会给你一些来自可靠来源的良好建议,例如 IMDB 用户,他们根据电影的质量(或质量不高)对这些电影进行了高度评价。
- 阅读大量报刊杂志。
- 定期阅读同一份报纸或杂志。
- 从头到尾阅读报纸或杂志。
One of the best ways to learn new words is by reading and understanding the context around them. This means that you don’t need to look up every single word you don’t know; instead, try using context clues and making an educated guess based on what you’ve read so far. You may find yourself wondering: “How am I supposed to guess the meaning of this word?” Well, here are some tips:- 使用上下文线索,如包含发音相似的单词的短语或句子(例如,“大苹果”可能意味着纽约市)。
- 在整个阅读材料中寻找其他词语的使用模式——例如,如果几个句子都提到“苹果”,那么“苹果”可能特指水果!
学生们提高词汇量的好方法是参加他们感兴趣的领域的课程或班级,这样他们就会被迫定期学习新单词。这是学生们不知不觉提高词汇量的一种方法!- 学生可以在日常生活中使用这些单词
- 学生还可以阅读与课程相关的书籍和文章
有很多方法可以增加你的词汇量。如果你还没有这样做,那就试试吧!- 抽认卡:学习新单词的一个好方法是制作抽认卡并定期学习。这可能包括简单地在卡片的一面写下单词,在背面写下其含义,或者可能涉及用每个单词写多个句子,直到它们成为第二天性。
- 字典:阅读字典可能很耗时,但能让你接触到新单词和新含义。尝试阅读未删节版的不同部分——例如,从“A”开始,读完所有 26 个字母,然后再从“B”开始。你可能还想在书中查找任何不熟悉的术语,这样以后需要时它们就会记忆犹新!