Effective Strategies for Setting and Achieving Goals


Setting and achieving goals is a great way to achieve the things you want in your life. It can be difficult, however, which is why it’s important to set yourself up for success by following these seven strategies.


The first step in setting effective goals is to make sure that your goal is realistic.
  • Set goals for yourself, not for anyone else. Don’t try to meet the expectations of others or live up to their standards–you will only end up feeling frustrated and like a failure when you don’t succeed at what they wanted from you. Instead, focus on achieving something that’s important to YOU and works within your own capabilities and limitations (and those of the people around you).
  • Be specific about what it is that you want to accomplish: “I want my business card design project finished by Friday” versus “I’d like my business card design project done by Friday.” The former gives clear instructions on when something needs done while also helping avoid any misunderstandings regarding what exactly needs doing; the latter leaves too much room for interpretation and could lead someone into thinking they need more time than actually necessary if there’s no specific deadline given! In addition, avoid setting vague goals like “Make more money this year” because then how would anyone know whether or not they were successful? Instead say something like “Earn $5000 more than last year by December 31st.”

2. Keep your goals private

The second thing to do is to keep your goals private. When you share your goals with others, you can become distracted by what they think of them or what they might say about them. You may also feel pressure from friends and family members who don’t understand why it’s important for you to achieve those goals in the first place. It’s okay if people don’t understand your motivations or interests; after all, not everyone is going to get what makes us tick! But when we open ourselves up for criticism from other people, we often end up feeling discouraged about our dreams–and this discouragement can be enough of a deterrent on its own when trying to achieve something big (like losing weight).

3. Make your goals actionable and measurable

It’s important to make sure your goals are actionable and measurable. For example, “I want to be healthier” is not a good goal because it does not tell you exactly what you need to do in order for the goal to be achieved. A better way of saying this would be “I will eat five servings of vegetables per day.” This makes it clear what needs to happen and when it will happen (each day). Similarly, if your goal involves losing weight, don’t just say “lose ten pounds.” Instead say, “I will lose one pound per week by eating less than 2200 calories each day and exercising for 30 minutes every morning before work.”

4. Reward yourself for reaching small goals along the way

Rewarding yourself is a great way to keep you motivated, but it’s important that the reward be something you want and not simply something someone else wants for you. For example, let’s say your goal is to lose 20 pounds in six months. You might make it a point to treat yourself with new clothes every time you hit 5% of the total weight loss (or 10 pounds) by going shopping with friends or family members who are also trying to lose weight. Or maybe even just splurge on some new sneakers if all else fails! Whatever form this takes for each person depends on their personal preferences–and don’t forget: rewards don’t have to cost money; they can be as simple as taking time off from work so that they can spend more quality time with loved ones during special occasions like holidays or birthdays!

5. Ask yourself if the goal is worth it to you

Ask yourself if the goal is worth it to you. If your answer is no, then why bother? If you don’t really want to achieve the goal and aren’t sure why you have set it in the first place, then perhaps there are other things in life that are more important than this particular venture.

Setting goals and achieving them can be a powerful way to make positive changes in your life.

Setting goals and achieving them can be a powerful way to make positive changes in your life.
  • Goals are important because they help you define what you want, which helps you focus on what’s most important.
  • Setting goals allows you to take action towards your dreams and aspirations, instead of just thinking about them or talking about them with others.
  • Goals give us something specific we can work towards every day of our lives–and this makes life more meaningful because it gives us purpose!


We hope that these five tips will help you set and achieve goals in your life. Remember, the key to success is not only setting goals, but also making sure that they are realistic and achievable for you. You can do this by asking yourself questions like: “Is this something I really want?” “Can I realistically accomplish it?” or “How important is it for me?” If you answer yes to all three questions above then congratulations! Your goal should be written down so that it’s not forgotten as well as making sure that if at any point during this process something comes up unexpectedly (like an emergency), then go back to step one where everything starts over again with re-evaluating what needs changed or added onto their original plan


Effective Strategies for Setting and Achieving Goals
