- 改变你的环境。
如果您在开始一个项目时遇到困难,可以将其分解成更小的部分。- 将大任务分解成小任务
- 将这些小任务进一步细分为子任务
- 重复此过程,直到只需五六个步骤即可完成任务
The key to overcoming procrastination is to get organized. When you have a list of tasks, it’s much easier to prioritize your work, break it down into smaller tasks and set goals for the day. Here are some steps that will help:- 在纸上或电子文件中写下需要做的事情。这可以包括从打扫房子到写报告或准备晚餐的任何事情。重要的是列出你所有的职责,这样它们就不会被忽略!如果可能的话,试着把大项目分解成小项目,这样当单独看每个项目时就不会感觉那么难以承受(例如,不要把“完成小说”作为一个长任务列在你的清单上——这可能看起来难以承受——把它的所有组成部分都写出来,比如“研究主题”、“写第一章”等)。
当你完成一项任务时,用一些能帮助你实现目标和改善健康的东西来奖励自己。例如:- 如果您一直在健身房锻炼并最终完成了锻炼,可以和朋友出去吃饭或购买新的运动服来奖励自己。
- 如果您一直试图减少糖和咖啡因的摄入,以提高能量水平和睡眠质量,那就通过做一次眼科检查或按摩(或两者兼而有之)来奖励自己吧!
In order to overcome procrastination, you need to get organized. You can do this by using a calendar and a to-do list that helps you plan out your day. If your workspace is messy or disorganized, it’s going to make it difficult for you to get things done because you won’t be able to find what you need when necessary. There are many different types of planners available; some people prefer paper while others opt for electronic ones (like an app on their phone). Whatever type works best for your needs will depend on how much flexibility in scheduling and organization style works best with how often it would be used by default: If someone has very strict deadlines then they may want something more rigid whereas those who aren’t under such pressure might prefer more freedom in setting up their own schedule within reason limits set by themselves or others involved such as bosses/coworkers etcetera…了解你拖延的原因。
The first step to overcoming procrastination is understanding why you do it in the first place. Are there certain situations or environments that trigger your tendency to put things off? What makes you feel like taking on a task is too much of a challenge, even if it’s something small and manageable? If these questions sound familiar, then consider keeping a journal for a few days where you write down any thoughts about your motivation for procrastinating. The more self-aware we can be about our own behavior and thought processes, the more likely we’ll be able to overcome them in future situations where they might hinder our progress or success at work or school.利用这些策略,你就可以克服拖延症。
以下有一些可以帮助你克服拖延症的策略:- 制作待办事项列表。
- 将任务分解成更小的部分。这样可以让任务看起来没那么吓人,而且如果任务被分解成更小的部分,你也会更容易开始执行任务。
- 必要时改变环境,比如去一个安静的地方,周围没有太多干扰,或者关闭手机上的社交媒体通知(如果它们会分散注意力)。这样,当真正需要做某件事而不是拖延时,就不会有任何事情阻止你立即开始工作!