




Resilience is the ability to adapt to change and challenges. It’s a person’s ability to bounce back from setbacks, recover from trauma, and continue on their path towards success. Resilient people are able to handle whatever life throws at them–they are flexible in times of adversity, they don’t let their emotions get the best of them when things go wrong (or even right), and they don’t give up when things get tough. Resiliency isn’t something you were born with; it’s something that can be developed over time through practice and coaching. And just as athletes build muscle strength through exercise, or musicians learn new songs by practicing every day–resilient people develop their ability through regular exposure to challenging situations which require them to think on their feet while keeping their cool under pressure!


Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks. It helps you adapt and learn from mistakes, cope with stress and maintain a positive outlook. This can be applied to your studies as well as life in general. For example: if you make a mistake on an exam paper, you will probably feel disappointed or upset; however, if you are resilient then these negative emotions won’t last long because instead of dwelling on the fact that there was an error in your work (and potentially getting angry about it), you will focus on how best to improve for next time instead of beating yourself up over it for days or weeks after!


  • 设定目标。实现目标会让你有目标,并激励你在遇到困难时继续前进。
  • 定期锻炼,尤其是做一些能让你感觉良好的运动,比如跑步或瑜伽。
  • 每晚保证充足的睡眠,这样你的身体就有时间从白天的压力中恢复过来。
  • 每周抽出时间进行放松活动,例如冥想或读书(这也有助于增强适应力)。
  • 通过练习冥想、瑜伽或太极拳等正念技巧来学习如何管理压力水平,这些技巧都有助于培养专注于当下发生事情的能力,而不会被过去事件的负面想法或对未来可能性的焦虑所压倒


  • 了解自己的长处和短处。
  • 当你需要帮助时,学会寻求帮助。
  • 练习积极的自我对话。换句话说,关注生活中美好的事物,而不是沉溺于消极的事物!不要说“我讨厌学习”或“我太笨了”这样的话。相反,要说“我会尽我所能参加这次考试,因为我知道只要我足够努力,我就能考好。”
  • 不要让过去的错误阻碍你实现目标——而是要考虑未来!




