Positive thinking leads to success. Positive results, positive attitudes, positive relationships and environments–these are all things that students who experience positive thinking are more likely to have. This means they can be more successful in school because they feel better about themselves and the world around them. It’s not enough just to think positively; you need to take action as well! In order for your thoughts about yourself and others to become reality (in terms of achieving success), you must take steps toward achieving those goals by setting goals specifically related with what it is that you want out of life or school-related activities such as getting good grades on tests or papers due soon after reading this article today morning before class starts later tonight at 5 pm sharp so don’t forget!积极思考的人是更好的倾听者。
Positive thinkers are better listeners. They listen to understand, instead of just listening to respond. They ask questions to clarify what they hear, and they ask questions that help them learn more about the person speaking. When you’re a positive thinker, you are more likely to ask for advice or help when you need it–which will make the people around you feel more comfortable helping out when their skills are needed too!积极思考的人会设定目标并努力实现它们。
积极思考的人会设定目标并努力实现它们。- 设定可实现的目标。不要把目标定得太高,否则你会注定失败。相反,要瞄准力所能及的目标,然后努力工作,直到实现目标!
- 将目标分解为更小的步骤来设定可衡量的目标,这样您就可以评估自己一路走来的进展(并在达到每个里程碑时庆祝)。
- 确保你的目标具体——它们应该包括需要做什么以及成功完成目标将使谁受益的细节,包括你自己!尽可能清楚地说明成功是什么样子,这样当事情变得艰难时,就不会产生怀疑或困惑……相信我:事情有时会变得艰难!这不仅对你很重要,对周围的其他人也很重要,因为他们可能需要清楚为什么需要做某事,然后再根据这些原因做出决定,如果不先仔细考虑就做出决定,可能会对所有相关人员产生负面影响。”