


机器人比老师更好吗? 在提出想法时, 机器人 就像算盘一样——它只能根据收到的输入计算两个数字的总和。它没有任何能力超越你输入的参数进行思考。这就是为什么机器人非常适合做那些不需要思考和理解上下文的琐碎工作。但是当涉及到更细致的任务时,比如写一篇博客文章或教别人如何写一篇博客文章,人类的认知是无可替代的。创造过程不仅需要智慧,还需要分析信息和理解其背景的能力,以便批判性地思考问题。


There’s no denying that robots are a big investment. They require a lot of technical knowledge to maintain, and they may not be reliable—breakdowns may occur frequently. Plus, they were expensive. To purchase one, you have to run around like a madman gathering up all the money in your couch cushions, behind your bookshelf, in the back of your closet … because as everyone knows, robot brains cost more than gold (and gold is pretty dang expensive). Then there are maintenance and repair costs—oh boy! And on top of all this expense is the fact that robots frequently need to be replaced (just like cell phones), so get ready to spend another chunk of change every couple of months or so.


  • 您的行为是可预测的。如果学生遵循常规、保持井然有序并听从您的指示,他们就会更容易学习。简而言之,保持一致性可以帮助孩子们在课堂上感到更舒适和自信。
  • 您有耐力——他们也应该如此。当孩子们知道他们可以依靠您以积极的态度和很高的期望每天准时出现时,他们就会开始为自己做同样的事情:每天准时出现并准备好学习(而不仅仅是在方便的时候)。
  • 您的学生知道他们与您的关系,这使得他们更容易专注于他们的目标,因为他们不会遇到任何意外。






Robots can’t do this. They can’t adapt to the situation, and they certainly can’t build relationships with their students. Not only are good teachers flexible in any educational setting, but they also know when and how to be accommodating to students who need it. For example, let’s say you’re an elementary school classroom teacher and a student is having difficulty learning how to read. A good teacher will modify assignments so that reading isn’t emphasized as much if the student needs extra help. Or if a student needs extra attention because of behavioral issues, a good teacher will know how to motivate that student and still get him or her engaged in-class activities. Teachers are so much more than just information sources. As educators, we need to be flexible in our teaching styles, we need to build relationships with our students so they feel valued and respected, and we need to know how best to deliver content while being understanding of individual student needs.


Teachers are better than robots because they can see your personality, which robots cannot do. When you talk to a person in person, you share more than just words. You can use your body to communicate. You can show your feelings with gestures or facial expressions. Your teacher can see all of this. But when you talk to someone over an online connection, all they have is the words that you type or say out loud into a microphone. It’s harder for them to understand what you mean when they don’t get a full picture of who you are from everything else that makes up your personality and communication style. Online connections also don’t allow teachers to interact with their students socially in the same way as being together in the same classroom does for in-person education, and vice versa for the student interacting with other students around them, whether it be working together on projects or learning about how each approaches problem-solving differently.


It’s important to note that teachers and robots are not mutually exclusive. While the two may appear to be opposites, I do believe that the best learning environment is one in which students can learn from both teachers and technology. As you may know, people have different learning styles based on how they interact with information. Some people learn best by listening (auditory learners), some by watching (visual learners), and others by doing (kinesthetic learners). When we introduce technology into the classroom, we are presenting yet another way for students to learn. For example, using an interactive whiteboard allows children to see what their teacher is talking about or write on a digital surface in real time. A teacher who uses varied resources will present information so that children can learn through multiple mediums and therefore have a better chance of absorbing new information more quickly. read next: 如何开始在香港国际学校任教?


