




  • 不要等到最后一分钟。越接近考试,就越难集中精力学习。尽量在考试日期前至少一周开始准备,这样你就可以尽可能有效地利用这段时间。
  • 不要死记硬背。只有当所有需要学习的材料都集中在一个晚上或一天的学习中时,死记硬背才会有效——即使这样,也可能没有效果!与其死记硬背并希望取得最好的效果,不如尝试将准备过程分为几天或几周,这样每次学习都不会像通宵学习那样让人感到不知所措(这也会增加压力水平)。例如:如果有三章信息专门用于理解我们大脑中的记忆工作方式——这些章节分布在五本不同的教科书中——那么试着将这五本教科书分成五个单独的学习课程,每个课程只关注一章,然后在时间允许的情况下再转到另一章。*


One of the most common mistakes students make is trying to cram all the information into their brains before an exam. This can lead to stress and anxiety, which can make it harder for you to remember what you learned. If you’re going through this process, stop! There’s no need for it–you’re better off spreading out your studying over time so that each section gets its own dedicated chunk of time and attention. You’ll have more energy and focus when preparing this way, plus there will be less pressure on each individual section because they aren’t being crammed into one week or even one day before an exam (which could result in forgetting half of what was crammed).


The importance of sleep Getting a good night’s sleep is essential to effective exam preparation. When you are well-rested, your brain is more alert and able to focus on the task at hand. If you don’t get enough sleep, however, it can be difficult for your memory to function properly during an exam–you will find yourself more easily distracted and unable to recall key facts from earlier sections when they come up again later in the test. Your body needs time off from thinking about schoolwork every day so that it can process everything that has happened recently without interruption (this is why breaks between classes are important too!).


Drinking water before an exam is important. Water helps you stay hydrated and sharp, which can help with your memory and concentration. It also helps with digestion, metabolism, and feeling full. If you’re not drinking enough water throughout the day then it may be difficult to focus during a test because of hunger pangs or headaches caused by dehydration (or both!). To avoid this situation: drink at least one glass of water every hour while studying; have some fruit juice if that’s what works best for you; eat breakfast even if it’s just toast with peanut butter or an egg sandwich on whole wheat bread; keep healthy snacks like nuts around so they’re available when hunger strikes during study sessions; try not to use caffeine as a substitute for food since caffeine stimulates the central nervous system but does not provide energy like real nourishment does




  • 制定好考试前一周或一个月的学习计划,这样你就不会感到落后或不知所措。
  • 考试前别临时抱佛脚。
  • 不要用酒精来帮助学习。酒精更有可能使你的大脑更难记住信息,而不是帮助你学习新知识,而且还有很多其他更健康、更安全的方法可以在考试期间提高你的能量水平!
  • 不要使用药物(包括咖啡因)来增强脑力——从长远来看,它们可能会对记忆力和注意力产生负面影响!


  • 确保睡眠充足。睡眠对记忆力至关重要,因此请确保每晚至少休息八小时。
  • 吃一顿健康的早餐。营养丰富的早餐能让你一整天都精力充沛,注意力集中,让你更容易学习或做作业,而不会因为饥饿而分心。
  • 全天喝大量的水——避免喝含咖啡因的饮料,如咖啡或茶!咖啡因会导致脱水并扰乱睡眠模式,所以最好不要在学习时喝咖啡,除非你的老师另有说明(即使如此,也要三思而后行)。
  • 在准备考试时,避免社交媒体和电视等干扰:你应该完全专注于为成功做好心理准备,而不是浪费时间浏览 Instagram 上的帖子或观看 Netflix,因为这里有更重要的事情要做!




