家长参与长期以来一直与学生的成功息息相关。早在 1970 世纪 1980 年代和 2008 年代,研究人员就发现家长参与可以影响学生的学业成绩、学习动机、参与度和出勤率。最近,研究表明,家长参与对低收入儿童和有色人种学生尤其重要,因为他们比来自中产阶级家庭的同龄人更容易面临贫困或种族歧视等障碍(Klein 等人,2016 年)。然而,研究人员对于家长参与究竟如何影响学生的成功仍然存在分歧——尤其是在家庭收入水平和种族/民族等因素方面(Jones & Paulsen,XNUMX 年)。本文将通过回顾最近的研究来探讨其中的一些问题,这些研究涉及哪些类型的家长参与对学生的成功最重要;确定家长可以使用的一些具体策略;讨论贫困如何影响这些关系;并考虑我们可以改进旨在提高家长参与度的计划的方式,以便让这些计划惠及更多最需要它们的孩子!家长参与学生成功
It’s a fact that parents are the first educators of their children. They are critical to student success, and have an important role in encouraging their children’s learning at home. Parents can help students with homework, set an example by reading books or newspapers themselves, provide support when they need it, and encourage them to stay involved in extracurricular activities such as sports or music lessons–all of which are linked to higher academic achievement later on. Students who have involved parents are more likely to be successful in school than those whose families aren’t supportive of education efforts like these家长参与和学生成功
Parental involvement is associated with student success. A study conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) revealed that when parents are actively engaged in their child’s education, students experience higher academic achievement, improved behavior and greater engagement in school activities.结论:家长参与学生成功
家长参与对学生的成功至关重要。家长可以通过多种方式参与,包括:- 与孩子谈论学校和家庭作业,鼓励他们尽力而为
- 在学校活动中帮忙或在教室或操场上做志愿者
- 一起读书并讨论所读内容