


Parental involvement has long been linked to student success. As early as the 1970s and 1980s, researchers found that parental involvement can play a role in students’ academic achievement, motivation, engagement, and attendance. More recently, studies have shown that parental involvement is especially important for low-income children and students of color who are more likely to face barriers like poverty or racism than their peers who come from middle-class families (Klein et al., 2008). However, there is still disagreement among researchers about how exactly parental involvement affects student success—especially when it comes to factors such as family income level and race/ethnicity (Jones & Paulsen, 2016). This article will explore some of these questions by reviewing recent research on what types of parental involvement matter most for student success; identifying some specific strategies parents can use; discussing how poverty may affect these relationships; and considering ways we might improve programs aimed at improving parent engagement so they reach more kids who need them most!

Parental Involvement in Student Success

It’s a fact that parents are the first educators of their children. They are critical to student success, and have an important role in encouraging their children’s learning at home. Parents can help students with homework, set an example by reading books or newspapers themselves, provide support when they need it, and encourage them to stay involved in extracurricular activities such as sports or music lessons–all of which are linked to higher academic achievement later on. Students who have involved parents are more likely to be successful in school than those whose families aren’t supportive of education efforts like these

Parental Involvement and Student Success

Parental involvement is associated with student success. A study conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) revealed that when parents are actively engaged in their child’s education, students experience higher academic achievement, improved behavior and greater engagement in school activities.

Conclusion: Parental Involvement in Student Success

Parental involvement is critical to student success. Parents can be involved in many ways, including:
  • Talking with their children about school and homework, encouraging them to do their best
  • Helping out at school events or volunteering in classrooms or on the playground
  • Reading books together and talking about what they read
Parents who are more involved with their children’s education tend to have children who have higher grades, test scores, and graduation rates than those whose parents are less involved. Research also shows that students with more involved parents are more likely to attend college (Marzano & Pickering, 2009; Marzano & Pickering, 2010).

Parents are critical to student success.

Parents are the first teachers and role models for their children. They play an important part in helping students succeed in school. Parents can help their children with homework, check their grades online or at school, talk about the importance of education and encourage them to do their best. When parents are involved in the lives of their children, they feel more connected and supported by them as well as by other adults who care about them (like teachers). This can lead to better grades because students feel more comfortable sharing concerns with adults who care about them than if they were left alone without any adult support.


We hope you’ve enjoyed this brief foray into the world of parental involvement and student success. We also hope that you’ll consider some of our recommendations for how to get more involved in your child’s education, whether you’re a parent or not!


