One of the best ways to improve your reading comprehension is by finding a study group. A study group can help you stay motivated and focus on the material, because it’s easier to concentrate when you’re not alone. It also gives you an opportunity to ask questions about topics that are unclear or confusing, which will make it easier for everyone in the group to understand what they’re reading.
If there aren’t any existing groups available at your school or college, try making one yourself! Post flyers around campus advertising what kind of subject matter interests each member (for example: “biology majors who want help understanding genetics”). You might be surprised by how many people come out of their shells once they realize they’re not alone in their struggles with comprehension–and even if nobody else shows up at first, talking over class notes and homework assignments with friends can still be useful!
Identify the main idea of the reading. The main idea is the most important information in a text, and it’s usually expressed in a sentence near the beginning or end of a paragraph. Once you’ve identified this sentence, read it over to make sure you understand what it means and why it’s important for your understanding of this passage.
Next, identify any supporting details for your main idea. These are facts that help prove an author’s point but aren’t necessarily essential to understanding their argument; they may be facts about specific people or events mentioned in your reading as well as statistics (for example: “90% of Americans wear shoes”). If these details are not explicitly stated by an author but can be inferred from context clues within their writing style–such as using certain words repeatedly throughout their piece–they’re still important because they support ideas found elsewhere within their work (i.e., if someone mentions shopping at Bloomingdale’s frequently). Finally once both types have been identified together with confidence level rated between 1-5 stars (1 being easiest), move onto step 3!
You can create questions to answer after each section. This will help you focus on the main ideas in the passage and make sure that you understand what was said.
To do this, highlight key words or phrases in your reading material that are important for answering questions about it later on. Then write down these highlighted words next to each other in order of importance–for example: What is the main idea? How does this relate back to the question? Why am I reading this passage? These are good examples because they show how much thought goes into assessing whether or not someone has understood what they’ve read!
The next step when doing this exercise is writing down any questions (or answers) related directly back towards whatever question asked at first glance upon opening up every single page within your textbook/notebook/etcetera…
- 这与我的生活有何关系?
- 我该如何在自己的生活或未来中使用这些信息?
The answer may not always be obvious, but if you apply it in a meaningful way, it can help with comprehension! For example:
If I’m reading about how ants work together as a colony (and there’s an example of an ant colony), then maybe later on when I’m working on something with my friends, we could all work together like ants do!
Discussing what you’ve read with others is one of the best ways to understand and retain the information. When you discuss a book or article with someone else, it forces you to think about what happened in the reading and how it relates to your own life. This helps both comprehension and memory because when we talk about something, we actively process it in our minds rather than just passively absorbing it like when we read silently.
In addition to helping us better understand and remember what was read, discussing literature can also help us learn how apply this information in real life situations–a skill known as critical thinking (or critical analysis).
- 多读书。经常读书能帮助你更快、更轻松地理解所读内容。它还能帮助你积累大量词汇,这样当以后的文章中出现新词时,你就会熟悉它们的含义。阅读你感兴趣的主题的小说或非小说类书籍会让你觉得内容有趣!
- 尝试在学习过程中大声朗读文章——这对于那些在默读(或只是发出单词的声音)方面有困难的孩子来说,是一种练习发音技巧的好方法,同时也让他们习惯于听句子大声朗读时的发音,而不仅仅是在脑海里默读。*