A mentor can be a great resource for improving your public speaking skills. A mentor is someone who has more experience than you in the area that you want to improve, and they can help give you tips and advice on how to do so.
A mentor might be able to help you prepare for your speech by telling them what it’s about, then helping them understand why this topic is interesting or important enough that people should listen to what you have say about it. Your mentor may also be able to give feedback after hearing your speech so that next time around when preparing for another presentation, there will be fewer mistakes made during practice sessions before actually giving it live at some point during an event like this one here today!”
- 查看比赛。
- 回顾其他学生的演讲。
- 看看专业演讲者、政治家甚至老师的演讲(他们已经练习演讲多年了)。
- 听听父母讲述成长故事,或者在家庭聚会和派对上观察他们的表现。他们可能是非常优秀的演讲者!
Practice, practice, practice.
Practice in front of a mirror until you feel comfortable with your body language and tone of voice.
Practice in front of a camera so that you can see what works for you and what doesn’t. For example, if you have a habit of leaning too far forward when speaking, this will be easier to spot on video than in person or on film alone.
Practice with friends and family members who will give honest feedback about how well (or poorly) your speech went over with them — especially if they’re not used to listening carefully enough for these types of details! They may also know other people who would be willing to give constructive criticism as well – like co-workers or classmates at school/college/university who are also interested in public speaking skills development , but perhaps don’t know much about how they could improve themselves yet either…
When you’re speaking in public, there are a lot of things that can go wrong. You might trip over your words or get tongue-tied. You might forget what comes next in your speech. But if you start with the basics, it’s much easier for your audience to follow along and understand what you’re saying.
Here are some things to keep in mind when preparing for an upcoming presentation:
- 了解听众:您的听众可能包括同学、同事或活动中的陌生人——任何对您要说的内容感兴趣的人!事先研究他们的背景(例如,如果他们是学习工程学的大学生),确保您的信息能引起他们的共鸣。在演讲中,了解每个人的背景和目标越多,将有助于确保演讲在以后尝试新想法或概念时的效果,这些想法或概念是基于之前演讲中收到的反馈。* 了解需要解决的主题:这是否意味着研究当今社会的当前趋势(即环境问题)、使用在线历史文件(例如二战期间士兵写的日记)深入了解过去事件、分析当今社会不同部分面临的当前问题(例如男女关系中的性别角色等)……
- 考虑一下你的听众。
- 他们是谁?
- 他们对这个话题了解多少?
- 他们多大了?* 他们和你以及/或者你的主题有什么共同的兴趣?* 你希望他们能集中注意力听一场演讲多长时间,一次能听多少信息对他们来说是合适的。如果是学术演讲,稍后评分的教授会有什么期望?他们生活中是否还有其他事情会影响他们倾听或注意:他们昨晚工作到很晚而感到疲倦;今天早些时候是否发生了一些令人兴奋的事情(因此可能会分散注意力);上课前两个朋友是否吵架了……等等?
When you’re preparing your speech, write down anything that comes to mind. You may not use all of the notes or even most of them, but they can be helpful in jogging your memory as you prepare.
You should never read from your notes! If you find yourself reading off of them, stop immediately and go back to practicing without them. This will help improve both how much information you remember and how well you speak with confidence during the speech itself!
- 在镜子前练习。
- 与朋友或家人一起练习。
- 在班级面前练习。
- 在家练习,独自一人或与家人一起练习(如果您愿意的话)。