经常写作。写信、发电子邮件、发短信和发社交媒体帖子。写博客帖子、文章和评论。在脑海里(或纸上)写故事、诗歌或歌曲。同时尝试在想法出现时写下来——它们可能还不够好,但总比忘记要好!如果你有重要的事情要说,但当时找不到合适的词语,那就写下来吧;这也有助于在以后的生活中摆脱写作障碍!- 日记:日记对于想要额外练习语法结构的学生来说是一种很好的方式,因为日记没有关于每篇日记应该有多长或应该包含什么类型的内容的规定——只要有意义,就可以随心所欲地写下任何内容。*日记/日记条目:日记很棒,因为它们为学生提供了充足的自我表达机会,而不受长度要求或风格指南等外部因素的限制,否则这些因素可能会抑制其他类型写作项目(例如小说)的创造力。
One of the best ways to improve your grammar is by reading a lot. You should read a wide variety of material and text types, including fiction, nonfiction and poetry. When you’re just starting out in your reading career, try some easy books that are enjoyable for you–picture books or comic books may be good choices. As you become more confident with your reading skills, move on to more challenging works like novels or biographies; these will help build up your vocabulary as well as give you exposure to new grammatical concepts that might not have been covered in class (like compound sentences). If possible, try doing some research on different genres before starting any kind of book so that when choosing something new it won’t be too difficult for someone who hasn’t read much before!获得其他人的反馈。
- 获得其他人的反馈。
- 不要害怕问问题。
- 不要害怕承认你不知道某些事情,或者你需要帮助来理解文本中的某些内容。这将帮助你更快、更有效地学习,而不是在需要时寻求帮助而独自完成所有事情!
- 不要害怕与他人讲英语时犯错误;他们会明白这是学习过程的一部分,甚至可能不会注意到(或关心)语法或发音中的小错误!
Group discussions are a great way to learn. You can learn from other people’s mistakes, or you can learn from the mistakes of others. If they made a mistake, then maybe you won’t make that same mistake when you write your essay. If no one in the group did well on an assignment and you did really well on yours, then maybe there was something about your way of writing that worked better than theirs did! This can be helpful because next time around when it’s your turn again and everyone else has done poorly yet again (because they didn’t use my method), now I know exactly what needs changing so I can do better too!玩弄文字游戏,编造一些牵强附会或毫无意义的句子。
- 玩文字游戏,编造一些牵强或无意义的句子。例如,“狗把我的作业吃了”,或“我妈妈去商店买了一辆新车”。
- 发挥你的想象力,让它尽可能地荒唐!你甚至可以在超市或上班途中尝试这个练习:看看你周围的物品,想想如果以前有人想到过(或没有想到),它们可以用于什么用途。