




If you’re a parent, teacher or student counselor, self-esteem is a fundamental key to success. It’s important for students of all ages–including those in college. Self-esteem is defined as having a positive opinion of yourself (your abilities and your worth). It also means feeling good about who you are and how others see you. In other words, having high self-worth! If a student has high self-esteem then he/she will be able to handle challenges in school better than if he/she didn’t have any confidence at all


  • 自尊心强的学生更有可能受到激励并投入到学业中。
  • 自尊心强的学生更有可能与老师和同学建立良好的关系。
  • 自尊心强的学生更有可能在事业上取得成功。




You might be surprised to learn that self-esteem can also affect physical health. Research has shown that low self-esteem is linked to more health problems, including high blood pressure, heart disease and sleep disorders. High self-esteem, on the other hand, has been associated with better health outcomes in general – from lower rates of depression and anxiety to a healthier weight. Self-esteem plays an important role in managing stress and anxiety: people who feel good about themselves tend to handle difficult situations better than those who don’t. And when we’re happy with ourselves on a fundamental level? Well…that just makes us feel more comfortable in our own skin–which leads us into our next point:


Depression and anxiety are common in children and adolescents. Depression can interfere with school performance, while anxiety may lead to unhealthy habits such as smoking or drinking. Low self-esteem often leads to depression and anxiety, which can be treated with therapy or medication.




Another important benefit of having high self-esteem is the ability to find a healthy balance between work and play. You can’t be at school all day, every day. You need time to relax and enjoy yourself! One way that I make sure I have time for both is by making a schedule for myself each week. On Sunday nights, I sit down with my calendar and plan out my week ahead of time so that I know when assignments are due, when projects should be finished by etc.. This helps me stay organized during the week (and keeps me from getting overwhelmed). It also helps me avoid stress because if something comes up unexpectedly (like an unexpected project), then there will always be room in my schedule for it!




It’s important for students of all ages to develop positive feelings about themselves so that they can achieve their goals in life. Self-esteem is an essential component of development, and it plays a key role in helping children succeed at school and beyond. In fact, research demonstrates that students with high self-esteem tend to:
  • 比那些自尊心低的人拥有更多的朋友
  • 学业表现更好(特别是在压力下)
  • 总体来说更幸福




