




Self-discipline is the ability to resist temptation and follow through on a plan of action. It’s necessary for achieving goals, and it can be developed into a skill that helps you be happier and more successful. People with high self-discipline are more likely to achieve their goals because they have the ability to avoid distractions or temptations in order to stay focused on what’s important for them. They also tend to get things done faster than those without self-control, which means less time wasted on unimportant tasks!


Self-discipline is the ability to control your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It’s also the ability to make decisions, stick to them and see them through. In other words: it’s having the self-control needed in order for you not only to do what you need to do when it comes time for exams but also throughout the entire course period.


  • 我想要什么?
  • 我怎么才能得到它?
  • 我什么时候能实现这个目标,我怎么知道我已经实现了它?


Self-discipline is a skill that can be learned. It’s not something you’re born with, but rather something you can develop over time. And it’s important to have self-discipline in order to achieve your goals and live a happy life. You might think that being disciplined means being able to go without something–like food or sleep–for long periods of time. But that isn’t true; self-discipline isn’t about depriving yourself of things you enjoy, but rather making sure that they aren’t harmful or wasteful (like eating too much junk food). Self-discipline also involves having positive habits like exercising regularly, eating healthy meals every day (not just when it’s convenient), keeping your room clean instead of letting clutter pile up all over the place…and so forth! But what does all this have to do with exams? Well…if there were no exams at school then there would probably be no point in learning how good at studying I was! So yeah..exams require lotsa hard work from both students AND teachers alike!




