AP 考试准备:如何在大学先修课程中取得成功

AP 考试准备:如何在大学先修课程中取得成功


大学先修课程 (AP) 考试准备 是高中的必经仪式,但也可能有点令人生畏。无论您是在准备 AP 美国历史考试还是其他科目,了解考试当天会发生什么以及如何取得成功都很重要。以下五条提示可帮助您在 AP 考试中获得最高分:

1. 开局强劲

One of the most important things to remember when starting an AP class is that you’re going to be studying and learning at a much faster pace than you are used to. Not only will there be more material covered in less time, but you’ll also have less opportunities for mistakes during exams because of how much information there is on each exam. If your first few weeks are not spent effectively preparing yourself for this new challenge, it could lead to disastrous results later on down the road (and no one wants that). So how do we avoid falling behind? To start off strong, try these tips:
  • 在开始任何作业或考试之前,一定要了解老师的所有期望——包括他们希望作业在何时交,以及他们希望作业以何种形式提交(电子邮件还是纸质)。事先了解这些知识可以帮助缓解对作业完成不好的焦虑,因为它让我们有时间思考哪里出了问题,而不是在做错某件事后浪费精力去弄清楚为什么我们得到如此糟糕的分数。*


  • 使用计划表。您可能会想,“我不需要这个”,但拥有一个计划表有很多好处!它可以帮您保持井然有序,跟踪作业和测试,并知道什么时候截止。此外,它还可以跟踪所有信息,如果您不小心,这些信息可能会在混乱中丢失。
  • 使用手机/电脑/平板电脑(或其他任何设备)上的日历或日程安排应用程序。这将有助于跟踪上述所有日期,以及学校或家庭生活中发生的任何其他事件——我们现在的时间管理技能越有条理,以后当生活变得异常忙碌时,我们就会越好!
  • 保留与大学入学要求相关的所有最新文件:高中课程成绩单以及 AP 考试成绩单;推荐信;个人陈述;包含艺术作品等的作品集;高中暑假期间参加的社区大学课程成绩单——面试或申请过程中可能出现的任何资料都应妥善保存,以免丢失!

3。 保持最后期限

  • 跟踪截止日期。
  • 使用日历或清单来跟踪每个作业的截止日期。


  • 完成全部工作。
  • 不要急于完成。如果你不明白某些内容,在继续解决下一个问题或概念之前,请向老师寻求澄清。这将确保你彻底了解解决问题的每个步骤,并防止在以后的工作中(甚至更糟的是——考试)产生混淆。
  • 交作业前请先检查一下!

5. 回顾全年的成绩



Advanced Placement exams are a lot harder than regular classes. They require you to think critically and outside of the box, which can be difficult for some students. But in the end, it’s worth it! One reason is that passing an AP exam can earn you college credit by itself or as part of a college application. If you’re looking at colleges with strict requirements regarding how many AP courses they accept, these credits can help ensure your acceptance into a good school (and save money). In addition, if you pass an AP exam before starting college–say by taking the class during high school–it will give you an advantage over other students who didn’t have this opportunity because they hadn’t taken any higher-level courses yet when applying for admission; this gives them less time than usual before graduation day comes around again next year!


如果你正在参加 AP 课程,那么准备考试的最佳方式就是保持条理性并努力学习。确保你了解课程中涵盖的所有内容,这样当考试来临时,你就能做好准备!


AP 考试准备:如何在大学先修课程中取得成功
