- 确保在课前复习所有的笔记和/或教科书,以便当课程开始时,所有人的目光都集中在老师身上,而不是低头看论文和书籍!
- 创建学习时间表并坚持下去。
- 设置一个计时器,除非你需要休息或吃晚饭,否则不要偏离你的计划。你可能会发现一次学习 30 分钟比中间不休息地学习一个小时更有效——如果发生这种情况,不要感到难过!重要的是你要坚持最适合自己的方式。
- 不要把所有的学习都塞到考试前的最后几天;相反,把你的努力分散到几周或几个月,这样整体上压力就会小一些。
Getting enough sleep each night is one of the most important things you can do to improve your health and well-being. The National Sleep Foundation recommends that adults get seven to nine hours of sleep each night, but many people don’t meet this goal.
The amount and quality of your sleep affects how well you think, learn and react while awake. Not getting enough sleep can cause problems such as depression or difficulty concentrating on tasks at work or school. It also increases irritability in social situations, making it harder for people with poor sleeping habits to work effectively as part of a team because they aren’t functioning at their best when interacting with others. In addition, lack of adequate rest may lead some individuals into poor eating habits such as overeating late at night (or skipping meals altogether), which could hurt team performance both physically (caused by fatigue) and mentally (by affecting mood).
- 吃健康的正餐和零食。
- 不要不吃饭,但也不要吃太多零食。
- 确保你摄入了足够的健康零食,以保证你一整天都精力充沛、注意力集中。
Planning ahead for breaks during your study sessions can make it easier to stay focused and motivated. Taking a break is also an effective way of avoiding burnout, which can happen if you’re studying too long without a break in between. Additionally, taking regular breaks from your work will help you avoid getting distracted by other things that may come up throughout the day (e-mails, phone calls).
Here are some examples of good breaks:
- 去外面散步
- 听音乐或有声读物时小睡一会儿或打个盹(如果你晚上睡不着觉,这种方法尤其有用)
- 寻找一个学习伙伴或学习小组,能够帮助你在学习时保持动力。
- 如果你还没有学习伙伴,可以尝试在班级或校园里找一个。你甚至可以找到一个擅长你想学的东西并愿意通过帮助来练习技能的人。
- 任何人都可以成为一名优秀的学习伙伴,只要他们愿意在你需要的时候帮助你并且也能坚持自己的工作!
- 当你在写论文或报告时,需要查找笔记或教科书中没有的信息
- 当你在家做作业,可以上网,但身边却没有朋友可以帮你解决作业中的难点时
在这些情况下(以及其他情况下),谨慎地使用干扰将使您能够完成所有工作,而不会在不重要的任务上浪费太多时间,而这些时间可以更好地集中在手头这项特定任务的重要事项上 - 即获得好成绩!
Taking breaks is important for your brain. It allows you to take a step back and refresh yourself, which can help you stay focused on the task at hand. Additionally, taking regular breaks will also help you get more done in less time (and possibly even enjoy what you’re doing).
For example: If I’ve been working on something for two hours straight, I might take a five-minute walk around my apartment building or go out into the hallway for some fresh air before coming back inside and resuming my work. This way I’m able to come back with renewed energy that allows me to focus better than if I had just kept sitting there staring at my computer screen without moving around much at all!
As you can see, there are many ways to improve teamwork skills. If you have realistic expectations of yourself, schedule time for studying and make sure that you are staying healthy while doing it, then you will be able to improve teamwork skills by using effective study techniques!
If this sounds like something that could help your organization, contact us today!