


Learning a new language can be intimidating. However, it doesn’t have to be! There are tons of strategies out there that will help you learn faster and better. Here are some of the best ones that I’ve found after years of studying languages:

Learn with a partner.

Learning a new language is not only a great way to learn about another culture, but it can also help you make new friends. If you’re learning on your own, try finding someone who shares your interests and is learning the same language as you. This will help keep things interesting and motivate both of you to continue studying together. If you have family members or friends who speak the language, consider having them teach it to you! Your parents may be able to help out if they grew up speaking this particular language and still understand it well enough today (though this isn’t always the case). Some learners even hire professional tutors who specialize in teaching languages through one-on-one lessons at home or online via Skype video calls.

Create an immersion environment.

  • Use the language as much as possible.
  • Listen to music in that language.
  • Watch movies in that language.
  • Read books in that language, if you can find them online or at your local library (and don’t worry about understanding everything). If you want a real challenge, try reading something without subtitles available–it will make you pay attention more closely!
  • Talk to people who speak the language well enough for you both to understand each other’s speech patterns and vocabulary usage well enough to have an actual conversation about something meaningful (like politics!).

Practice your accent.

One of the best ways to improve your accent is by practicing it with native speakers. Record yourself speaking and listen back, then try again until you feel like you’re getting close to perfecting the accent. If possible, find some mirrors in order to practice facial expressions and body language too! You’ll be amazed at how much this helps improve how people perceive you as well as improving their understanding of what it is that makes them think “this person sounds American/British/etc.” To get even more serious about practicing accents (or just for fun), consider recording videos where you read sentences out loud while holding up signs that say things like “I have a terrible French accent” or “This will help me learn Spanish.” This will help others understand what they should be listening for when trying out different accents themselves so they won’t accidentally make fun of something else instead!

Set aside time to study.

  • Set aside time to study.
  • Schedule your study sessions in advance, and make sure you stick to them. (This is especially important if you have a busy life!)
  • Set a goal for how much learning you want to do each day–for example, one hour or 30 minutes–and don’t let anything interfere with it!


It’s important to set aside time for studying. You can’t learn a new language in a day, so you need to make time for it. If you are serious about learning and want to learn quickly, then you should try to study at least 30 minutes per day if not more. If this seems like too much of an obligation for your busy schedule, then try breaking the task down into smaller chunks of 10-20 minutes at a time throughout the day instead of trying to cram all your studying into one big block at night before bedtime or first thing in the morning (which rarely works out well). It’s also helpful if possible not only because they’re easier on our brains but also because it gives us something productive we can do while waiting around somewhere such as waiting at an airport or doctor’s office!

Make flashcards and use them often.

Flashcards are a great way to learn vocabulary. They can be made easily and are portable, so you can carry them with you wherever you go. To make your own flashcards, simply write the word on one side of a 3×5 inch index card and its definition on the other. You can use this method for any language learning material, including verbs or grammar rules that need memorizing. To use your flashcards effectively:
  • Make sure they’re easy to read (use an easy-to-read font size).
  • Practice with at least one person who speaks the target language fluently so they can correct mistakes as they come up while reviewing your cards together!

Listen to music in the language you’re learning.

Listening to music in the language you’re learning is a great way to expand your vocabulary and improve pronunciation. You can listen to songs you already know, or try listening to new ones for practice. If the song is in English but uses words or phrases from another language (like “tres leches” in Spanish), this can also be helpful!

Listen to podcasts or watch movies in that language.

Listening to podcasts and watching movies in the language you are learning is a great way to make your brain more familiar with the sounds of that language. You can also find audio books at your local library, which will give you access to even more content. Try finding content that’s at your level so that it doesn’t feel too difficult or boring–and don’t worry if it seems too easy! The goal here is just to get used to hearing how native speakers sound when they speak. If there aren’t any subtitles available (for example, if listening on Spotify), try listening with headphones so no one else can hear what’s going on around you while also providing some privacy during this time of self-study.

Practice pronunciation every day

Practice pronunciation every day. Pronunciation is an essential part of learning a new language, and it’s one of the first things that you’ll notice when you speak to someone who speaks your target language. If your pronunciation is off, people won’t understand what you’re saying and may even think that English is your native tongue! So make sure to practice every day so that when it comes time for real-world conversations, everyone will know exactly what they’re talking about. Practice makes perfect! The best way to learn how to pronounce new sounds? Practice them over and over again until they become second nature–just like learning any other skill (like riding a bike). Just like riding a bike requires practice before we can ride without thinking about it at all times (and then eventually forgetting about our own legs altogether), learning new sounds requires repetition until we stop having trouble pronouncing them properly. This might seem difficult at first because there are so many different sounds in each language; however once these sounds become familiar through repetition then speaking becomes easier overall since no longer need focus so much on making sure all those pesky syllables come out right!

Learning a new language isn’t rocket science; these strategies will help you get there faster

Learning a new language can be challenging. It’s easy to get discouraged, especially if you’re learning on your own or in an environment where there are few resources available. However, with these strategies in mind, you can make the most of your time and energy while learning a new language.
  • Find out what motivates you: If it’s important for you to speak another language because of work or travel plans, then finding out what motivates you will help keep up with those goals even when things get difficult. For example: “I want my toddler son/daughter (or other loved one) who lives abroad to understand me better” may motivate someone more than “I want my boss at work next year when we open up our first office overseas.”
  • Practice reading before listening/speaking: This tip comes from [this article](https://www.theguardian.com/education/2017/jun/08/how-to-learn-a-language). Reading helps build vocabulary without having to worry about pronunciation yet; many people find that their reading skills improve faster than their speaking abilities during early stages of language acquisition because they spend more time practicing them separately rather than together!


Learning a new language is an exciting adventure, and it’s one that can open up new opportunities for you. Whether you’re traveling or looking to connect with people in your community, learning a new language can be rewarding and fun. We hope these tips will help make your experience even more enjoyable!


