4 个有助于你取得考试优异成绩的最佳习惯

5 个助你取得 IGCSE 考试优异成绩的学习技巧
大多数人在学习期间都会参加某种形式的考试,无论是每周的课堂测验还是学期末的期末考试。学习时,在心理上将整个过程排除在外似乎很平常,也很容易,但花时间将 4 种不同的最佳考试习惯融入日常生活,将有助于你在任何专心考试中取得好成绩。

1. 学会如何高效阅读

我们浏览 Facebook 或 Twitter 时所采用的阅读方式与我们备考时所采用的阅读方式完全不同。许多人没有接触过如何有效地阅读信息,他们往往将大部分学习时间都花在眼睛盯着书页上,心不在焉。许多技巧可以帮助您成为更有效的读者,例如突出显示、重读、做笔记和绘制图表。这些技巧看似不费脑力,但它们是帮助您吸收信息并将其更长时间地保留在记忆库中的强大方法。您在阅读和尝试理解文本时越积极,您就越容易回忆起考试中的事实。

2. 边听音乐边学习是提高考试成绩的最佳习惯之一

音乐 is one of the easiest ways to set yourself up for success on an exam. Music allows us to regulate our emotions and channel our mental energy into something specific, which is exactly what you need to do when studying. Listening to certain types of music can help with different parts of your study routine. For example, listening to classical music is a great way to boost your concentration, while listening to upbeat pop music can keep you energized and motivated. To get the most out of your study playlist, listen to what feels natural, but try different genres and tempos until you find what works best for you! Also read: 幼儿教育在香港如此重要的五个原因

3. 创建抽认卡或小测验

抽认卡 和小测验是快速高效地掌握知识的好方法。只需在抽认卡或多项选择题上写出术语/答案组合,将有助于在脑海中强化它,这样到考试时,您就会多次看到它。这听起来可能很傻,但写下答案 5 次比阅读教科书一次更有帮助!

4. 休息一下


  It’s very easy to get into the habit of binge-studying, especially during midterms or finals season. It’s probably the easiest way to convince yourself that you’re being productive because there’s no time for anything else in your life other than study.   However, taking breaks is equally as important as studying because it allows you to take a step back from all the information so you can process it faster and better. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s good to stop for an hour or two before going back at it again. A good rule of thumb is to take 10 minutes after every hour of studying (or any other amount of time that works for you).   These four habits are simple but vitally important. They’ll help ensure that you’re in the best possible mental state for exams, and could be the difference between a passing or failing grade. You should always practice these habits (even before exams), but it might be particularly worthwhile to focus on them during this stressful time of year. Your future studying self will thank you! Here at 老虎校园,我们将教你如何在考试中取得好成绩。不要犹豫 请求我们的一位导师进行免费试用!


4 个有助于你取得考试优异成绩的最佳习惯
