과학 성공: 과학 수업에서 최고가 되기 위한 팁과 요령

과학 수업료


Science classes can be tough, especially if you’re not a math person. If you’re looking for some tips and tricks to help you ace your next 과학 수업, 이 기사는 당신을 위한 것입니다!

Make a science notebook.

The first step to acing your science class is to make an organized notebook. This will help you find information quickly and easily, as well as organize your thoughts before exams. Your notebook should include:
  • A binder with dividers for each class
  • Tabs at the top of each section so that you can easily flip through them (i.e., one tab per chapter or unit)
  • Highlighters that correspond with the colors used in your textbook (for example, if the textbook uses blue highlighting then use blue highlighters)

Make a list of your weaknesses in science.

  • Make a list of your science strengths and weaknesses.
  • Think about what you need to work on, and make sure you’re spending enough time on it!

Take notes in class, even if it’s not required.

You should take notes in class, even if it’s not required. The best way to learn is by making connections between what you hear in class and what you already know. If a teacher isn’t giving you enough time or space to do this, then it’s up to you! Take notes in a way that makes sense for YOU–not according to some arbitrary rubric which may or may not be helpful for understanding the material on its own terms. It might seem like this would lead nowhere good (and it might), but the point here is not about getting perfect grades; it’s about learning as much as possible from each lecture so that when test time comes around (which will happen sooner than later), your brain can work faster than anyone else’s because everything has been memorized well enough that retrieval becomes easy and automatic instead of tedious and difficult.”

Create flashcards for key terms and formulas.

  • Make flashcards for key terms and formulas.
  • Flashcards are a great way to reinforce what you have learned in class, and they can be used in many different ways! You can create your own, or use pre-made ones from the internet. It’s important that they include both the definition of the word or phrase on one side, as well as examples of how it might be used on the other side. This will help ensure that whatever information is stored in your brain sticks around longer than just one lecture period!
  • Try using different colors and styles for different types of cards: green for definitions; blue for examples; red for formulas; etcetera! Having several different types of cards will help keep things interesting when reviewing them later–and make sure not too much time goes by without looking at them again either (or else risk forgetting). Plus having fun with this process makes learning more enjoyable overall which leads us onto…

Use practice quizzes to test yourself on what you’ve learned.

Practice quizzes are a great way to test yourself on what you’ve learned and see how well you are doing. When taking practice quizzes, it is important to pay attention not only to the answers themselves but also why each answer choice is correct or incorrect. This will help reinforce what you know and help identify areas that need improvement.

Keep track of any science projects you are working on.

If you’re working on a science project, it can be helpful to keep track of your progress. Use a calendar or planner to keep track of deadlines and make sure you are doing what needs to be done in order to complete the project. It’s also important that you have some sort of notebook or journal where you write down ideas and thoughts about what might work well for your project, as well as any other information that could come in handy later.

Study with a friend if possible.

Studying with a friend can be a great way to stay motivated. If you’re learning something, it’s easier to learn from someone who is smarter than you and can explain things in more detail. You can help each other by sharing notes and flashcards, which means that both of your grades will improve if one person is struggling in class (and vice versa). If you are struggling in a class, ask your friend for help!

Science is one of the most difficult subjects but these tips should help you be better prepared to ace those classes

Science is one of the most difficult subjects but these tips should help you be better prepared to ace those classes.
  • Read, read and read some more! The more you read about science, the more familiar it will be to you when it comes time for an exam or test.
  • Don’t procrastinate! If there is something that needs to be done on an assignment or project, don’t put off doing it until later because chances are good that whatever was due will change at some point during the semester (and then what will happen?).
  • Find out which days are best for studying so that when those days come around again later in the semester, they aren’t wasted because someone didn’t know what day would work best for them during this time period (and then what happens?).
  • Make sure not only do they do well academically but also socially too – nothing worse than being stuck next door all day long talking about how much work needs done while trying hard not think about what might happen if someone doesn’t finish up soon enough before going home tomorrow afternoon…


Science is a difficult subject, but it doesn’t have to be impossible. If you follow these tips and tricks, you should be able to ace your science class with ease! Good luck!

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과학 성공: 과학 수업에서 최고가 되기 위한 팁과 요령

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