The role of a teacher is arguably one of the most important. Not only do teachers play an essential role in shaping the minds and lives of their students, but they also have the power to inspire them to achieve great things in life.
For these reasons, it’s critical that teachers serve as positive role models for their students—not just by teaching academic concepts or providing instruction on how to behave properly, but also by demonstrating good character traits themselves (such as kindness, self-control and patience).
긍정적인 롤모델은 어린이의 학업적, 사회적, 정서적 발달에 상당한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났습니다.
Positive role models are important for students’ academic and social development. A positive role model is someone who has achieved success in a particular field or area of life, and can serve as an example for others. Students benefit from positive role models because they learn about what it takes to achieve goals, overcome obstacles and become successful.
Positive role models help students develop self-esteem, motivation and values that are important for their academic success. Students are more likely to adopt positive behaviors if they see them modeled by their teachers or other adults at school who have earned respect through their actions over time (for example: volunteering).
긍정적인 롤 모델에 둘러싸여 있으면 자존감을 향상시키고, 동기를 부여하며, 학생들이 새로운 행동과 가치를 채택하도록 영감을 얻는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다.
Positive role models can help students develop good study habits and social skills. They can also boost self-esteem and motivation.
There is a strong correlation between academic success and having positive role models in your life. If you want to be successful, it’s important to surround yourself with people who will support you, encourage you, and help motivate you along the way.
학생들은 긍정적인 롤모델이 되어 주고 격려해 주는 교사들과 교류하는 것에서 큰 도움을 얻습니다.
Teachers who serve as positive role models for their students are a vital part of the educational experience. Students benefit greatly from exposure to teachers who serve as positive role models, and provide them with encouragement.
Teachers can provide encouragement to students in many ways: by providing feedback on assignments, offering praise when it’s deserved, helping them understand difficult concepts or share ideas that might be helpful in understanding something new. This type of interaction helps build trust between student and teacher–and trust is one of the most important ingredients in any successful relationship!
교사의 행동은 종종 학생들에게 반영됩니다. 교사가 긍정적인 행동을 모델로 삼을 때, 학생들도 스스로 이러한 습관을 채택할 가능성이 더 큽니다.
Teachers are role models. They set the tone for how students behave, and their behavior can be reflected in their students’ actions. When teachers model positive behaviors, their students are more likely to adopt these habits themselves as well as other positive traits like empathy and kindness.
However, there is no way for a teacher to differentiate between his or her own behavior and that of his or her student’s; both will look exactly alike! This means that no matter how hard you try after class ends or during lunch break or even on weekends (if you’re lucky enough), your efforts will go unnoticed unless you find another way–and we think we know just what might work…
긍정적인 행동을 모델로 삼음으로써 교육자들은 학생들이 자신과 주변 사람들에 대해 높은 기대치를 갖도록 독려합니다.
As you can see, it’s not just about the teachers. It’s also about the students. When a student sees a teacher acting in a way that they want to emulate, this can encourage them to set high expectations for themselves and others around them.
If you’re looking for ways to become an effective role model in your classroom or school community, here are some tips:
- 자신을 비판적으로 살펴보세요. 행동을 개선할 수 있는 부분이 있나요? 있다면, 몇 가지를 바꾸세요! 긍정적인 행동을 모델로 삼는 것은 "내가 말하는 대로 해"라고 말하는 것만이 아니라 누군가가 당신을 잘 대하거나 다른 사람에게 책임감 있게 행동할 때 어떤 기분인지 보여주는 것임을 기억하세요.*
- 청소년(노인)과 함께 일하는 다른 어른들과 갈등 해결 상황을 어떻게 다루는지 이야기해 보세요.*
학생들에게 긍정적인 롤모델이 되는 교사는 학생들이 여러 면에서 학업적 성공을 거두는 데 도움이 됩니다!
As a teacher, you can be a positive role model for your students. This means that you will not only help them achieve academic success in more ways than one!
In fact, being surrounded by positive role models can make all the difference when it comes to student achievement. The more people who serve as good examples of what success looks like and how to get there, the easier it will be for students to adopt new behaviors and values that lead them down that path too.
긍정적인 롤 모델의 역할은 모든 교육자가 진지하게 받아들여야 할 것입니다. 긍정적인 행동을 모델로 삼고 학생들에게 격려를 제공함으로써 교사는 학생들이 여러 가지 방법으로 학업적 성공을 이루도록 도울 수 있습니다!