시험 불안을 극복하는 방법


If you’re reading this, then I’m guessing you suffer from test anxiety. I’ve been there, too—it’s not fun! But if you learn how to overcome it, your grades will improve and you’ll feel more confident going into exams. Before I share my best tips for overcoming test anxiety, let’s start with an overview of what exactly this condition is and why it happens.

트리거를 식별합니다.

If you’re feeling anxious about a test, the first step is to identify what your triggers are. Are there certain situations that make it worse? Is there something specific about the test itself that makes you feel nervous? Maybe it’s just being in school or studying for an exam period. Once you’ve identified these triggers, try to figure out how to deal with them. For example: If I know that I get anxious when I have multiple things on my mind at once (like homework and relationship issues), then I can plan ahead and make sure not too much else is going on during this time period so I don’t have any distractions while taking my exam.

휴식을 배우십시오.

Relaxation techniques can be a great way to reduce your anxiety. Try deep breathing exercises, meditation, yoga and massage. If you’re not into the whole “zen” thing, listen to some relaxation music while you’re studying or taking a test–the right tunes can really help put you in a relaxed state of mind!

긍정적인 자기 대화를 연습하십시오.

Positive self-talk is a very effective way to combat test anxiety. It can help you feel more confident and relaxed, which will in turn make the test seem less daunting. For example: “I have prepared very well for this exam. I know that I am going to do well!”

당면한 작업에 집중하세요.

You can also help yourself by focusing on the task at hand. Don’t worry about what others are doing, or how they might be doing it better than you. You don’t need to memorize every detail of every test question; instead, consider each question individually and come up with an answer based on its wording and context. If your mind wanders during a test question because of nervousness or panic attacks (see below), take a deep breath and start over–don’t let yourself get distracted by negative thoughts like “I’m going to fail this test!” or “What if I forget everything?” Finally, try not to let yourself get overwhelmed by negative thoughts during exams–this will only make matters worse! To learn more about overcoming test anxiety, check out this article: https://www.verywellmind.com/how-to-overcome-test-anxiety-3098184

Accept that you’re human.

It’s okay to be human. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes, and it’s important to accept that you’re no different from anyone else. You are not perfect and never will be, so there is no need for your self-esteem or confidence to suffer over something as simple as failing a test or two in college.

Realize that there’s no such thing as a perfect score.

One of the most important things to remember is that there is no such thing as a perfect score. Even if you get all of the questions right, someone will always be able to improve on their score. The goal isn’t to get every question right; it’s simply to do your best and learn from each experience. This mindset will help take some pressure off of yourself during test day and allow for more productive studying sessions where you’re focused on learning instead of trying just memorize information for later use (which isn’t possible anyway). You should also avoid comparing yourself with other students who may have taken the same test before or after you did because everyone has different strengths and weaknesses when taking tests like these–and even if someone else does better than what they had done previously doesn’t mean that person won’t have trouble answering certain questions later down the road!

Remember that you’re only human and that everyone is bound to make mistakes sometimes.

It’s important to remember that everyone makes mistakes sometimes. It’s part of being human, and there’s no need to be ashamed of yourself if you do something wrong or make an error in judgment. You should also know that if you’ve made a mistake, it doesn’t mean that everything else about your life is bad too–you can learn from your errors and move on with confidence knowing that next time will be better! It’s also important not to let fear hold you back from taking risks or trying new things; after all, life is meant for living! But when taking risks does result in failure (which it often does), remember: nobody gets perfect scores on tests every single time they take them–even if they’re really smart people who have studied hard their whole lives before taking the test at hand! The key here lies within forgiveness; forgiving yourself means letting go of feelings like guilt or shame which only serve as obstacles between us and happiness – which ultimately leads back towards self-acceptance once again

Test anxiety is common and it shouldn’t prevent you from doing well on your exams!

Test anxiety is a normal and common reaction to stressful situations. It can be helpful to know that you’re not alone in feeling nervous before exams, especially if you’ve never experienced test anxiety before. When you’re experiencing test anxiety, it can be helpful to remind yourself that everyone gets nervous before an exam. In fact, most people find that their nervousness goes away once they start taking the test! You might also want to consider using relaxation techniques or positive self-talk before your next big test–these strategies could help reduce your overall levels of stress (and therefore reduce any chance of having an increased amount of test-related anxiety).


I hope you found this article helpful. If you’re still struggling with test anxiety, don’t give up! It’s important to remember that everyone experiences it at some point in their lives and there are many ways to overcome it. Remember: You’re only human, so don’t let yourself feel bad about making mistakes or feeling nervous about an exam. Just keep practicing these tips until they become second nature for you – then the next time around will be much easier 🙂 Good luck!

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