다음 중간고사를 잘 치르는 방법: 방법 가이드

다음 중간고사를 잘 치르는 방법: 방법 가이드


중간고사를 잘 치르는 데는 마술 같은 요령이나 비법이 없습니다. 노력과 적절한 수면이 필요합니다! 하지만 노력할 의향이 있다면 다음 시험에서 잘 치러낼 수 있습니다. 다음 중간고사를 준비하고 성공하기 위한 제 최고의 팁은 다음과 같습니다.

적절한 양의 수면을 취하십시오.

Getting enough sleep is the first step to studying effectively. The brain needs time to process information, consolidate memories and make connections between new information and knowledge you already have. It’s during sleep that we do our best learning and memory consolidation – so it’s no wonder that people who don’t get enough sleep are less likely to perform well in exams! Sleep also helps you stay focused because getting sufficient sleep allows your brain to regulate attention levels throughout the day. Your brain uses most of its energy when you are awake, so it makes sense that being awake for long periods of time can cause fatigue which can affect your ability to study effectively. If you are tired or lacking energy then it might be worth considering taking a short nap before tackling your revision (it may not be possible if this is during school hours). A brief nap can help refresh and re-energise your mind making it easier for you concentrate while revising without feeling overwhelmed by fatigue.

일정에 대해 너무 스트레스 받지 마세요.

  • 일정에 대해 너무 스트레스 받지 마세요.
If you haven’t been able to keep up with the amount of work that your professors have assigned, don’t panic! If you’ve been hitting the books hard, but still feel like there are holes in your understanding for certain topics or concepts, then it’s time to take a step back. You might be overthinking things and losing sight of what needs improvement most urgently. The best way to avoid stress is by staying on top of things as they come in: make sure that assignments are due at reasonable times throughout the semester so you’re not scrambling at the last minute; ask for extensions when needed (and show progress) instead of letting a project go until just before it’s due; and aim for early drafts instead of waiting until finals week to start writing everything out from scratch again.

미리 계획을 세우고, 벼락치기 공부보다는 규칙적으로 공부하는 데 집중하세요.

One of the most important things to remember when it comes to studying for midterms is planning. Planning ahead will help you keep on schedule and focused, no matter how many assignments you have due that week. For example, if your test is on Thursday and one of your assignments was due Tuesday night, it’s best not to wait until Wednesday morning before starting the assigned reading. This will allow you enough time (usually about two hours) for each assignment before moving onto another one. This prevents wasting time trying to cram everything in at once; instead, your focus will be spread out over several days instead of being concentrated on one or two days leading up to the exam date. Speaking of exams: don’t fall into the trap of cramming everything into a single study session before taking a big test! Cramming can actually cause more harm than good by causing stress and anxiety while studying—and even worse, it won’t help retain any information at all once those stressful moments are over! Instead, try breaking down big projects into small chunks that take less time—such as completing 10 practice problems per night rather than spending three hours doing them all at once before bedtime!

자신에게 맞는 공부 방법을 찾으세요.

  • 공부할 수 있는 조용한 장소를 구하세요.
  • 공부친구를 찾아보세요.
  • 이상적으로는 방해가 되지 않는 공간이 적습니다.
저는 환경을 제어할 수 있을 때 가장 잘 작동한다는 것을 알았기 때문에 침실이나 지하실(거의 항상 조용한 곳)을 선택합니다. 또한 다른 사람이 주변에 있으면 집중하는 데 도움이 된다는 것을 알게 되었습니다. 따라서 함께 공부할 사람이 있다면 좋습니다! 그렇지 않다면 노트와 플래시카드를 읽는 동안 소리 내어 읽거나 음악을 들어보세요.

수업에 참여하되, 수업이 공부에 방해가 되지 않도록 주의하세요.

성적만이 중요한 것이 되지 않도록 하세요. 높은 성적을 받으려고 노력하는 것보다 자신의 학습에 집중하는 것이 중요합니다. 수업에서 가르치는 내용에 특별히 관심이 없다면, 수업에 필요하지 않은 것에 주의를 기울이고 배우려고 노력하는 대신 시험 공부에 집중하세요.

교수님께 집중적으로 다룰 만한 수익성이 높은 주제와 개념을 찾아달라고 요청하세요.

Ask your professors to identify high-yield topics and concepts. This may sound a bit like cheating, but it’s not. In fact, it’s more of an aid than anything else. After all, what better way is there to study for an exam than by using your professor as a resource? If you know that the topic of “molecular biology” will be on next week’s test, don’t waste time studying things like “genetic mutations.” That should be obvious and self-evident—and if it isn’t obvious and self-evident right now then it won’t feel so obvious or self-evident after spending hours poring over pages and pages of text in search of some detail about genetic mutations that might appear on next week’s exam (spoiler alert: there won’t be any). Instead use this time wisely by asking your professor what he thinks are some important ideas or concepts from last week’s lecture notes or reading assignments that he would recommend focusing on during review sessions.

중간고사에서 좋은 성적을 내고 싶다면 일찍 시작하세요.

In order to ace your mid-term, you must start studying early. The sooner you start, the more prepared you’ll be for when the test comes around. This can also help reduce stress levels as well. If you wait until the last minute, then all of a sudden it becomes a panic situation where there’s not enough time to learn everything and do all of your homework assignments that are due at the same time as your midterm exam date. How much time should I spend studying? It depends on how much information is covered in each class and how difficult it will be for you to remember everything before taking an exam on this material later down the road (like next week). If all of this new information is flying right over your head during lectures and discussions about it, then we recommend dedicating at least 3 hours per day towards studying so that by Friday afternoon when exams begin there would have been several solid days worth of preparation behind them already!


노력을 기울이고 최선을 다한다면 중간고사를 잘 볼 수 없는 이유는 없습니다. 위압적인 전망처럼 보일 수 있지만 실제로는 목표를 달성하기 위한 또 다른 단계일 뿐입니다. 목표에는 훌륭한 성적으로 졸업하는 것도 포함될 것입니다!

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다음 중간고사를 잘 치르는 방법: 방법 가이드

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