Effective Exam Preparation Techniques for Kinesthetic Learners

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If you’re a kinesthetic learner, there are many ways to study effectively that involve more than just reading. Many of these techniques can also be helpful for other types of learners as well.


  • Exercise has been shown to improve memory and brain function. If you’re feeling anxious about your exam, consider exercising for 20 minutes before your test. It will help you relax and stay focused during the test, which will allow you to sleep better after the exam.
  • A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that those who exercised regularly had better scores on cognitive tests than those who did not exercise regularly.

Make a list of important terms, facts and ideas.

  • Create a flash card system.
  • Use a notebook or index cards to write down important points.
  • Use a word processor to create a file of key points.
  • Create mind maps by brainstorming and organizing ideas, then writing them down in any way that makes sense to you–such as one word per line or grouped together under headings (see examples below).

Take a break before the exam.

If you are a kinesthetic learner and need to take an exam, your body may be telling you that it’s time for a break. If so, take one! The best way to ensure that the break is effective is by changing environments altogether. It doesn’t matter whether it’s going outside for fresh air or finding another room in which to study; just make sure that when you return from this break, all of your senses will feel refreshed and ready for more work. Additionally, do not eat or drink anything during this 10-minute period (with the exception of water). Food consumption can cause drowsiness–and no one wants their mind wandering during an important test! Also avoid activities such as listening to music while studying because they might make studying seem less like work than simply fun time with friends or family members who enjoy music as much as we do ourselves

Write down the times and locations of your exam in different colors.

This is a great way to keep track of all your exams, especially if you’re taking more than one. Write down the times and locations in different colors on your calendar or planner. Make sure that you know where each exam is taking place, as well as when it starts and ends.

Practice testing yourself on the material.

You can practice testing yourself on the material several times. This is a great way to help you remember and solidify what you’ve learned, because it will give you some concrete results that show where your strengths lie and where there are still gaps in your knowledge. It can also help identify areas where you need to focus more attention in order for them not only to be stronger but also easier for you to recall when needed during an exam.

Relax before the exam.

You have a lot going on and it’s hard to relax. But no matter how much you may feel like you have to do, the best thing you can do for yourself is allow some time and space where you can relax before the exam. Here are some ideas for how to chill out:
  • Take a deep breath in through your nose, hold it for a moment, then exhale through your mouth slowly–repeat this five times or more if needed! It helps calm down nervous energy so that you can focus better when taking the test.
  • Go for a walk outside or around campus; getting some fresh air will help clear your mind from distractions (and who knows? Maybe even bump into someone who wants to study with).
  • Do some stretches at home–they’re quick but effective! Just put on some music while stretching out different muscle groups throughout the body (arms/shoulders; legs/back), focusing on releasing tension as each stretch is completed–this will help prevent soreness later on during testing day…or maybe even beforehand if done regularly enough over time.”

Practice recalling key concepts and ideas from memory during the exam, not from notes or books.

During the exam, practice recalling key concepts and ideas from memory. Don’t rely on notes or books. Recalling information from memory is a skill that can be practiced, and it’s much more effective than reading or rereading. When you are asked a question, try to answer it without looking at your notes first. If you do look at them, don’t spend too long doing so; just enough time to jog your memory of what was written down (and maybe even make some corrections). Then go back into recall mode as quickly as possible!

There are many ways to study effectively that involve more than just reading

While reading is an important part of the learning process, it’s not the only way to study effectively. In fact, there are many different ways to study effectively that involve more than just reading. In order to learn and retain information better, try studying in a way that works best for you–whether it be listening or watching video lectures (audio), doing problem sets/exercises (kinesthetic), making flashcards from lecture slides or textbooks (visual) etc., so long as it helps you remember material better!


The best way to prepare for an exam is to find a study method that works for you. If you’re a kinesthetic learner, then writing out your notes or doing practice tests might be helpful. If you’re an auditory learner, try listening to music while studying or taking breaks every hour or so–this can help keep your mind fresh and focused on what’s most important when it comes time take the test!

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Effective Exam Preparation Techniques for Kinesthetic Learners

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