


Parents play a key role in ensuring student success. But what does that mean, exactly? And how can schools and districts support parents to become involved in their children’s education?

What is parental involvement?

Parental involvement is the extent to which parents are involved in their child’s education. A parent can be involved at school by volunteering, attending events and activities, or helping out with homework. Schools can help parents become more involved in their children’s education by providing opportunities for them to volunteer at school and make an impact on their children’s learning experience.

Why do parents matter in student success?

As the first teachers of their children, parents are an essential part of helping students succeed. Parents can help their children develop good study habits and social skills, as well as work habits that will help them throughout life. This can be done through providing positive reinforcement when a student does well in school, encouraging them to participate in extracurricular activities or sports teams (which have been shown to improve academic performance), talking with them about their classes and homework assignments, and making sure they have access to whatever resources they need at home (for example: books).

What kind of support do students need from their families?

The type of support a student needs from their family will depend on their age, stage in education and individual situation. Parents can provide financial support by paying for school fees as well as helping with rent or mortgage payments. Parents also play an important role in supporting their child emotionally by listening to them when they are upset about something at school or simply being there for them when they need someone to talk to. There are different types of parental involvement:
  • Active – This includes attending parent-teacher meetings and speaking with teachers about what you would like your child’s education experience to be like;
  • Passive – This means providing opportunities for your child such as buying books or uniforms so that he/she doesn’t have any excuses not go back after break;
  • Indirect – This involves creating a positive learning environment at home where children feel comfortable enough discussing their achievements (or lack thereof), aspirations etcetera

How can schools and districts help parents become involved in their children’s education?

As students head back to school, it’s important to remember that parents play an essential role in their children’s success. Schools should take steps to help parents become more involved in their child’s education and academic life. For example:
  • Schools should have a parent liaison who can be reached by phone or email at any time. The role of this person will vary from district to district, but they should serve as a resource for both families and teachers throughout the school year.
  • Parents should be invited (and welcome) at school events like assemblies and open houses; these events are opportunities for you to meet other parents and staff members who work with your child on a regular basis as well as your child themselves!
  • Parents should be invited into classrooms periodically throughout each semester so they know what is happening with their kids’ learning experiences inside those walls every day–and how they might contribute further down the road when homework assignments come home later on down rough patches ahead.”

Parents play a key role in ensuring student success.

Parental support is an essential part of student success. Parents are the first teachers, and they play a key role in ensuring that their children receive the best education possible. When parents are involved in their children’s education, students are more likely to feel supported by them and know that they care about their education. When it comes to supporting your child at school, there are lots of ways you can help out! You could attend school events like pep rallies or open houses; volunteer as a tutor or chaperone on field trips; sign up for newsletters so you can get regular updates on what’s going on at school; offer extra help with homework when needed (but don’t overdo it); talk openly about what it takes for kids today to succeed academically–and make sure yours knows exactly how proud we are!


Parents play a key role in ensuring student success. They are the first teachers, the most influential role models and the most important source of support for their children. Parents can help their children succeed in school by providing them with a safe environment at home, encouraging them to do their best and helping them develop good study habits like staying organized or managing time wisely.


