

1. 採用プロセスはどのようなものですか?

  • 採用プロセスはどのようなものですか?

The school has one specific schedule and they usually don’t deviate from it. They will start hiring in December (the first interviews are in early December). They will interview candidates either online (via Skype) or on-site. The Skype interviews are usually with the same interviewer, but that’s not a rule – for example, this year I interviewed several candidates via Skype, but I also interviewed some via Skype with another experienced teacher who was back home for the Christmas holidays. On-site interviews happen with two to three different people: one of them is an experienced teacher, the second one works in administration (the person responsible for recruiting), and sometimes you will be interviewed by someone from HR (e.g., the Director of HR, or a senior manager).

2. 香港のインターナショナルスクールで教えるために必要な条件は何ですか?

To teach at a Hong Kong international school, you need a graduate degree in education, a teaching qualification, at least 2 years of experience and your passport must be from an English-speaking country. So how do you get all of these? First, complete online courses then apply to the education board. The International Teaching Certificate and/or Post Graduate Diploma in Education will give you the necessary qualification to meet the requirements of the Hong Kong Education Board. For example, if your first degree is in another subject than education and you don’t have any experience teaching abroad or even with children, then you can complete this course to gain these skills and knowledge. Once you have qualified as a teacher with a postgraduate certificate from an accredited university such as UCL or Kings College London then you will need to apply for a job at an international school in Hong Kong. You can also start applying for jobs before completing your courses but once accepted into the role you will be required to complete it within 12 months

3. 香港のインターナショナルスクールでは誰が雇用するのでしょうか?

You might think that schools in Hong Kong are hiring directly. But unless you’re applying to one of the few public schools, or a very small, independent school, you’ll need to work with a recruitment agency. Teachers need to know that recruiters are paid by the school and not by the applicant. If an agency asks for money from you, it’s not a legitimate operation and it should be avoided.

4. 香港のインターナショナルスクールで働く教師のためのスポンサーシップやビザはどうなりますか?


The school will usually sponsor the visa and cover the cost. The downside can sometimes be that you are tied to the school for a while, like two years. You may also not be able to live in your apartment and have to stay in an apartment provided by the school. Airfare is usually paid for by the school as well. Another thing that schools often provide is health insurance for teachers, which can otherwise be very expensive in Hong Kong (often around HK$2,000 per month or more).

5. 香港のインターナショナルスクールで働く教師は税金を支払わなければなりませんか?


6. 配偶者の雇用や授業料の補助など、家族に優しい特典を提供している学校はどこですか?

ご家族が香港への移住を検討している場合、配偶者やお子様に最高の特典を提供している学校を知りたいと思うでしょう。香港のインターナショナル スクールの中には、すでに通っているお子様の兄弟姉妹の順番待ちリストを設けているところもあります。また、授業料の補助や兄弟姉妹の学費割引などの特典を提供している学校も知っておくとよいでしょう。配偶者の就労機会を提供している学校もありますので、香港のこれらの一流インターナショナル スクールがご家族に何を提供できるか、ぜひチェックしてください。
  • アメリカンスクール香港

  • ケレットスクール

  • サウスアイランドスクール

  • ウェストアイランドスクール

  • アイランドスクール

  • 香港インターナショナルスクール

  • 香港アカデミー

  • 沙田大学

  • 九龍小学校

  • クリアウォーターベイスクール

7. 香港で海外教師として働くことを検討する際に、知っておくべき重要な要素は他に何かありますか?

  • 香港で海外教師になることを検討する際に知っておくべき重要な要素は他に何かありますか?

Yes! There are a few things that you’ll need to know about the process, and they can make the entire process overwhelming. In the Hong Kong education system parents face a tough choice: accept that their children might not achieve university entrance or spend thousands of dollars on home tuition or online tutoring. TigerCampus offers professional home tutors, online tutors, and online classes – all backed up by years of experience and delivered by passionate professionals. タイガーキャンパス 学習をシンプルかつ楽しくします。弊社の豊富な経験と最新のテクノロジーを組み合わせて、お客様とお子様のニーズに合わせた完全なソリューションを提供します。 ぜひ今すぐ無料トライアルをリクエストしてください。 次に読む: 香港のセカンダリーとフォーム6の違いは何ですか?


