


As a student, there are times when you need to be able to use a specific word in order to understand the material that’s being presented. This is especially true for languages like French or Spanish where new vocabulary words can be hard to come by. If you’re not sure how to improve your vocabulary, here are some tips:


For the best results, use flashcards. Write a word on one side and its definition on the other side. You can test yourself by covering one side of your card and trying to remember what it says; then flip over your card and see how many answers you got right!

Read the dictionary.

Reading the dictionary from cover to cover is a great way to improve your vocabulary. Don’t be afraid to look up words you don’t know; in fact, this should be encouraged! It’s no good learning new words if you don’t understand the ones that are already in your head. If you want to make sure that what you’re reading makes sense, try using an online dictionary app on your phone or computer–they can help with definitions and pronunciation as well as providing sample sentences so that when someone uses a word in conversation with you (which they will), it won’t sound completely unfamiliar.

Make your own word lists.

  • Make sure you are interested in the topic. Your brain is more likely to retain information when it’s relevant and interesting to you, so if you think a word list will be boring, it probably will be!
  • Make sure you have a good dictionary on hand as well as some flashcards or other tools for keeping track of what words you already know and don’t know yet.
  • Pick out some lists of words from various sources (like this blog!).

Watch foreign films, and read books set in other countries and cultures.

Reading books set in other countries and cultures is a great way to improve your vocabulary. Many of the words you encounter will be new to you, but they will help expand your understanding of the English language. If you want to read books set in other countries and cultures, there are many options available on Amazon and other online retailers. You can also find them at local libraries or bookstores if they’re more convenient for you! To find foreign films that are good for learning new words:
  • Googling “top 10 best foreign movies ever made” will give some good suggestions from trusted sources like IMDB users who have rated these movies highly based on their quality (or not).

Read a lot of newspapers and magazines.

  • Read a lot of newspapers and magazines.
  • Read the same newspaper or magazine regularly.
  • Read the newspaper or magazine from cover to cover.

Learn new words from the context around them in your reading material, instead of looking them up right away.

One of the best ways to learn new words is by reading and understanding the context around them. This means that you don’t need to look up every single word you don’t know; instead, try using context clues and making an educated guess based on what you’ve read so far. You may find yourself wondering: “How am I supposed to guess the meaning of this word?” Well, here are some tips:
  • Use context clues like phrases or sentences that contain similar-sounding words (e.g., “the big apple” could mean New York City).
  • Look for patterns in how other words are used throughout your reading material–for example, if several sentences mention “apples,” then maybe “apple” refers specifically to fruit!

Take a course or class in your area of interest, where you will be forced to learn new words on a regular basis; this is one way that students improve their vocabulary without even realizing it!

A great way for students to improve their vocabulary is by taking a course or class in their area of interest, where they will be forced to learn new words on a regular basis. This is one way that students improve their vocabulary without even realizing it!
  • Students can use these words in their everyday lives
  • Students can also read books and articles related to their course
Students who take courses with an emphasis on science or technology will find themselves using more technical terms than those who study history or literature.

There are many ways to build up your vocabulary

There are many ways to build up your vocabulary. If you’re not already doing these things, try them out!
  • Flashcards: A great way to learn new words is by making flashcards and studying them regularly. This could include simply writing down the word on one side of the card with its meaning on the back, or it could involve writing multiple sentences using each word until they become second nature.
  • Dictionary: Reading through a dictionary can be time-consuming but highly effective at exposing yourself to new words and meanings. Try reading different sections of an unabridged edition–for example, start with “A” and work your way through all 26 letters before starting over again at “B”. You may also want to look up any unfamiliar terms in books so that they’ll stay fresh in mind when needed later!


So there you have it. The best ways to improve your vocabulary. I hope that this article has been helpful for you, and that you can use these tips to make sure your personal study habits are effective!


