


Learning grammar is a tricky business. You can study and practice for hours, but it’s not always clear whether you’re doing it right. That’s why I’ve been so grateful for the tips and tricks my teachers have shared with me over the years—they’ve helped me not just figure out what my mistakes are but also how to correct them. If you’re looking for similar help, here are some of my favorite study methods:

Review old material.

  • Reviewing old material is a great way to learn new things.
  • Reviewing old material will help you remember what you learned and how to use it.
  • Reviewing old material will help you understand how to use it better, as well as why you should use it in the first place!

Practice what you know.

Practice what you know.
  • The more you practice, the better your grammar will be.
  • 練習は完璧を作る!
  • Practice with a partner or tutor. This helps ensure that both people are on the same page and gives them someone to talk to about their mistakes so that they can learn from them in order to improve themselves even more effectively than if they were practicing alone (because then they’d just be making the same mistakes over again).
  • Speaking with native speakers will also help improve your speaking skills by giving feedback on how well-spoken and understandable your speech is, which will help make sure that when it comes time for an actual conversation with an actual person who isn’t related to you or employed by Google (i.e., “real life”), there won’t be any embarrassing misunderstandings due to poor communication skills!


You’ve probably heard the advice to take frequent breaks when studying, but it’s worth repeating. Taking a break every 30 minutes will help keep your mind fresh and focused on what you’re trying to learn. When you’re done with one task and ready for another (and this can be as simple as switching from reading grammar rules in one place to reading them in another), take a break! Don’t let yourself get distracted by social media or other tasks that don’t directly relate to your study activities–you’ll find yourself losing focus again very quickly if you do so.

Use a variety of resources.

A variety of resources are available to help you improve your grammar skills. You can choose from books, websites and apps.
  • A good way to start is by choosing a resource that you enjoy using and is easy for you to use. This will make it easier for you to learn from, helping build up confidence in your own ability before moving on to more difficult materials later on.
  • Once the basics have been covered, talk with teachers or peers who have more experience with grammar than yourself so they can give advice on how best to approach further improvement in this area.

Consult with your peers and teachers.

One of the best ways to improve your grammar is by asking questions. You can consult with your peers and teachers, but there are also online forums where you can get answers from people who know what they’re talking about. If you don’t have access to an expert in person, using resources like Grammarly’s Grammar Guide will help you learn more about grammar rules and how they apply in different situations.

Learning grammar by yourself can be difficult, but there are ways to get it right!

Learning grammar can be difficult, but there are ways to get it right!
  • Use your own resources. If you’re a student, use the library or ask your teachers to recommend materials that might help you learn the basics of grammar and usage. If you’re an adult learner who doesn’t have access to these resources at school or work, look for books on Amazon or other online retailers. The Internet is also full of great websites like Grammarly’s blog–it has clear explanations about specific issues in English usage (like whether “hopefully” should be used as an adverb) and tips for improving writing skills overall.
  • Consult with peers and teachers when necessary–but don’t rely on them exclusively! Your fellow students may not know as much about writing as their teachers do; similarly, while some instructors will be able to answer questions about grammar rules, others won’t know as much about those topics either (and even if they do have expertise in this area). It’s up to YOU ultimately how much help from others you decide is necessary in learning something new – just make sure not too much reliance goes into any one resource alone because then nothing else would ever change either way…


Grammar is a difficult subject to learn by yourself, but it is a crucial one. If you want your writing to sound professional and polished, then you need to know how to use grammar effectively. The best way to do this is by practicing what you know, taking frequent breaks when studying so that your brain doesn’t get overwhelmed with information overload, using a variety of resources like textbooks or online quizzes when studying alone or with others in class who might be able to help out too!


