


1 早く始める

Studying for an exam is like preparing for a marathon. You need to be able to pace yourself, and if you don’t start early, there’s a good chance that you’ll run out of steam before the finish line. If you begin studying early enough, it will give you more time to prepare as well as allow for any last minute cramming or revisions before the exam date arrives. Additionally, because exams tend to be on Fridays (or in some cases during the weekend), starting early gives students an opportunity to study other courses while they wait for their own test scores–which means less pressure when it comes down time!

2. 学習計画を立てる

  • 現実的で柔軟な学習計画を作成します。
  • スケジュールを立てて、それに従ってください。働き過ぎないようにすることも重要ですが、働き過ぎないようにすることも重要です。毎日、勉強のストレスから回復して休むための十分な時間を自分に与える必要があります。つまり、1 日の勉強時間が多すぎる場合は、何かを変える必要があります (たとえば、勉強時間を減らすなど)。
  • 試験準備を始める前に疲れ果てないように、一日を通して休憩を入れましょう。

3. 途中でちょっとしたご褒美を自分に与える

When you’re studying for exams, it can be easy to get discouraged. You may feel like you’re not making progress or that your learning isn’t sticking with you. It’s important to remember that even though small rewards aren’t going to make or break your grade in an exam, they will help keep your spirits up! Rewards can be anything from spending time with friends or family, watching a movie, buying yourself something nice (like ice cream), reading a book – anything that makes you happy! They should also be given after achieving a small goal such as finishing one chapter of the textbook or memorizing 10 key terms in the subject area being tested on the exam. The rewards should then be given at the end of each week or month so that they are more meaningful than just handing them out randomly throughout these times when studying might seem like more work than playtime!

4. 勉強をもっと楽しくする方法を見つける

  • 勉強仲間を見つけましょう。試験の準備を手伝ってくれる人が多ければ多いほど良いです!アイデアを交換したり、学んだことを話し合ったりできる人がいると、勉強がずっと楽しくなります。
  • 勉強会を見つけましょう。自分とほぼ同時期に試験の準備をしている学生が他にもいる場合は、臨時グループを結成することを検討してください。そのグループでは、全員が週に 1 回か 2 回集まり、お互いの課題を一緒に見直して、進捗状況や、特定の概念やトピックを理解するために追加のサポートが必要かどうか (つまり、「これは具体的にどういう意味ですか?」) についてフィードバックを得ます。こうすることで、1 人の意見だけではなく、複数の視点を持つことで全員が恩恵を受けられます。1 人の意見だけでは、他の情報源にチェックされずに誤った方向に進んでしまう可能性があります。他の情報源は、あなたのような学校環境での同様の資料に関する過去の経験に基づいて異なる意見を持っている可能性があります。

5. 毎晩十分な睡眠をとる

One of the most important things you can do for your brain is get enough sleep each night. Sleep has been shown to have a huge impact on memory and learning, so it’s no surprise that students who get more rest are often better prepared for exams than those who don’t. For example, researchers from Harvard Medical School found that people who slept just four hours per night felt as if they had only gotten 2-3 hours of sleep when asked to perform cognitive tasks after being awake for 24 hours–even though they were actually well rested! In addition, one study found that college students who slept less than six hours per night performed worse on tests than those who slept eight hours per night or more (1). So how should you go about getting better quality shuteye? First off: stop using your phone before bedtime! A recent study revealed that using electronic devices such as smartphones within an hour of going to sleep can make it harder for us fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer than usual (2). This means if you’re reading this article right now on your laptop or smartphone instead of reading it tomorrow morning at home on paper like I’m doing right now…well then maybe consider switching over!


One of the most important things you can do to stay motivated is to think positively. It’s easy to get down on yourself when you’re studying for an exam, especially if you’re having trouble with one or more of the topics covered in your course. But this isn’t just a good idea because it will boost your mood–it’s also essential for helping your brain retain information and make connections between concepts that need to be linked together. Think about it: when we’re feeling down, our brains tend not only fail us but also betray us by sabotaging our efforts at studying by making everything feel too hard or impossible. In contrast, when we keep ourselves positive (and realistic), our brains are able to focus on what needs doing without becoming overwhelmed by negative thoughts and feelings which could otherwise distract them from their task at hand.


  • 準備には時間をかけてください。
  • 先を計画する。
  • 失敗を恐れたり、他の人の能力と比較して自分の能力について否定的に考えたりするのではなく(例:「これが一体何なのか全く分からない!他の人は私よりも知っているに違いない」)、学習して情報を吸収することの利点に焦点を当てて、準備期間全体を通してモチベーションを維持してください。




