


試験シーズンは一年で最もストレスの多い時期の 1 つであり、やらなければならないことの多さに圧倒されてしまいがちです。しかし、あなたは一人ではありません。試験で成功し、必要な成績を取るために全力を尽くしている学生はたくさんいます。良い成績を取ることはかつてないほど容易になりましたが、特に効果的な学習ルーチンや学習に取り組む戦略がなければ、失敗する可能性はまだたくさんあります。


You may have heard of positive reinforcement before, but what exactly is it? Positive reinforcement is based on the principle that a behavior will continue if it is rewarded, and it will stop if it isn’t rewarded. For example, if you go to work every day and your boss praises your hard work when he sees how much progress has been made on a project or assignment, then this praise would be an example of positive reinforcement because it encourages you to continue working hard for similar results in future. Positive reinforcement doesn’t just apply to work situations though; it can also help with exam success! Positive thinking helps us feel more confident about ourselves and our abilities which makes us more motivated to achieve our goals – including passing exams!


Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool that can be used to build a positive mindset. Positive reinforcement is when you reward a behavior with something, like praise or a treat. Negative reinforcement is when you punish a behavior with something, like removing something (like an unpleasant task). In this article we will discuss how to use positive reinforcement to improve exam performance through:
  • 励ましと賞賛
  • 一生懸命勉強したご褒美
  • 時間管理


Positive reinforcement is based on the principle that a behavior will continue if it is rewarded, and it will stop if it isn’t rewarded. In other words, you are more likely to do something if you get something in return. You may have heard of negative reinforcement before: this is when an unpleasant stimulus (like being punished) causes someone to behave differently so as not to experience that stimulus again. Positive reinforcement works differently–it involves giving someone something they want or like in order for them to continue doing what you want them too.


Understanding how we are reinforced in our day-to-day lives, it’s possible to build an effective study routine that helps us achieve positive results in exams. Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool for improving your performance and wellbeing. By understanding how we are reinforced in our day-to-day lives, it’s possible to build an effective study routine that helps us achieve success in exams. The same principles apply when building healthy habits or creating goals for yourself: if you want something badly enough, there should be a way for you to get it!


  • 強化子は、行動の直後に与えるとより効果的です。たとえば、朝、子どもに素早く服を着るようにさせたい場合、準備が終わるまで待ってから褒める(かなり時間がかかる)のではなく、服を着たらすぐに褒める方が効果的です。
  • 強化子は、時間の経過とともに価値が失われないように、活動やタスク全体を通して継続的に与えるのではなく、少量ずつ(1 回か 2 回だけ)与える必要があります。つまり、復習セッション中に質問に正しく答えるたびに褒めることで、試験に向けてもっと一生懸命勉強するように誰かを励ましたい場合、これはあまりうまくいきません。代わりに、セッションの最後に一度に褒めるのではなく、各セッションを通して断続的に言葉で褒めるようにしてください。これにより、正の強化テクニックの過剰使用による影響を失うことなく、最大限の効果が得られます。」


The role of positive reinforcement in exam success In the past, it was thought that positive punishment could be used to motivate yourself while you study. This means that if you didn’t do well on an exam or assignment, then your professor would punish you by giving out a lower grade. However, this method has been proven ineffective because it causes a negative reaction in students and can actually lower their motivation levels instead of increasing them. Instead of using positive punishment as motivation for studying more effectively (which will ultimately lead to better grades), try using negative reinforcement instead! Negative reinforcement involves rewarding yourself after completing tasks; this will help keep your brain focused so that nothing distracts from what needs done next!


There are many ways to encourage positive behavior and prevent mistakes. Positive reinforcement is a strategy that uses rewards to reinforce desirable behaviors, such as studying for an exam. It’s more effective than punishment or negative reinforcement because it teaches people how to improve their performance without punishing them for making mistakes or doing poorly on something. Positive reinforcement can be used in all kinds of situations where you want someone else (or yourself!) to do something well: learning new skills, achieving goals and avoiding mistakes.




